Walk This Way: Diane Borsato and Francis Alÿs Make the City

September 12th, 2013

“Let everyday life become a work of art!” 1 “Rarely is walking considered as a distinct mode of acting, knowing, and making. As its necessity diminishes and its applications rarefy, the potential of walking as a critical, creative, and subversive tool appears only to grow.”2 Despite its ubiquitous place in everyday life, walking is an […]

Sakahàn Summer

August 30th, 2013

The summer is slowly coming to an end – sad but true! – and the National Gallery’s exhibit Sakahàn: International Indigenous Art has kept up a whirlwind of activity. On the final weekend that the exhibit is open, I urge everyone that hasn’t yet seen it to pay the National Gallery a visit, or to […]

Things Often Don’t Go as Planned – Fortunately We Have Help

July 25th, 2013

The Luminartists, a partnership between Anthony Scavarelli and Henri Kuschkowitz, are currently in residency at the Invest Ottawa space. Over the course of there residency they will be posting chronicles of their project on the Artengine blog. Check back to see their progress! Technical Drawings in a Heap Now over two and half months into the Invest […]

Invest Ottawa Residency 2.5/3 – The Concept

July 18th, 2013

The Luminartists, a partnership between Anthony Scavarelli and Henri Kuschkowitz, are currently in residency at the Invest Ottawa space. Over the course of there residency they will be posting chronicles of their project on the Artengine blog. Check back to see their progress! In our first post we talked about our explorations into the Invest Ottawa space […]

Language and the city

July 9th, 2013

A recent conversation on Twitter got us thinking about how to bring thoughts about langauge and the city into our We Make The City! Poster project. We would like the people of this city to help us translate “We Make The City! We Are The City!” into as many languages as possible. We started with our francophone friends around us, and Tom Fortington and our critical writer in residence Melody McKiver got us thinking about a translation into Anishinaabemowin. How many more can join the conversation?

Invest Ottawa Residency 1/3 – Design Research Methods

June 5th, 2013 Invest Ottawa Residency

The Luminartists, a partnership between Anthony Scavarelli and Henri Kuschkowitz, are currently in residency at the Invest Ottawa space. Over the course of there residency they will be posting chronicles of their project on the Artengine blog. Check back to see their progress! 1 of 3 months into this artist residency and there is plenty to […]

Towards a democratic city

May 30th, 2013

On the occasion of the Creative City Summit I was given a short platform at the local Pecha Kucha Night. I took the opportunity to present a very short critique of the Creative City concept. Below are my slides for the presentation.   This talk is basically a collage of ideas from (at least but not limited […]

We Make The City!

May 30th, 2013

We Make The City! We Are The City! is a love letter to the city and a call to action. We are moving the festival into the public terrain because we believe it to be fertile and exciting grounds for diversion and discourse, but we are also asking the citizens to redefine how they see themselves, and thus the city around them. The city is not a fully formed structure delivered to you for consumption, but a constant evolving project in which you participate. You are the city around you and the city is you.

The Van Gogh-st in the Shell

March 20th, 2013

Excerpt from “The Van Gogh-st in the Shell” by Diana Stephens. Edited and adapted especially for the Artengine blog by the authoress. HELLO WORLD In the current age of technological progress, many of the die-hard humanists retreat from the world of glowing rectangles and LED lights into the realm of artistic expression. Science-fiction has—since the […]


March 5th, 2013

Saturday Artengine hosted a 3D Print-a-thon, to celebrate the Lab’s 2 new machines, The Ultimakers, and get the community inspired by inviting the region’s best 3D print enthusiasts to bring their machines, their designs, and their expertise to share with all comers. The M70 Lab was crushingly packed all day with over 400 people passing […]