Language and the city

July 9th, 2013

A recent conversation on Twitter got us thinking about how to bring thoughts about langauge and the city into our We Make The City! Poster project. We would like the people of this city to help us translate “We Make The City! We Are The City!” into as many languages as possible. We started with our francophone friends around us, and Tom Fortington and our critical writer in residence Melody McKiver got us thinking about a translation into Anishinaabemowin. How many more can join the conversation?

The Philosopher Cube – a post-mortem

January 21st, 2011

The Philosopher Cube is , conceptually, an alien cube that has landed beside Rideau Centre, a shopping mall in Ottawa, looking for answers to some typically philosophical questions in an attempt to better understand the human race. Using a combination of C++, OpenGL, and 3D projection mapping techniques an illusion of this strange cube floating in front of Rideau Centre at the corner of Nicholas and Daly avenue, and manipulating the wall behind it to form its questions, is created.

Andrew O’Malley prints his own circuit boards

May 16th, 2010

Our president and author of many of fantastic light project, Andrew O’Malley, has posted a very detailed blog entry about printing circuit boards through a DIY etching process. The process is the result of preparation with his partner in crime Deborah O’Malley for an interactive work, connecting Twitter to a light box, at local store […]