CINESONIKA has just put out a call for submissions. It is a new festival, but it would be great to see work by Ottawa/Gatineau artists in it. It will be held Nov. 12th-21st, 2010 in Vancouver. The deadline for submissions is September 1st, so you’ve got all summer to get creative! Check out for all […]
CINESONIKA: The First International Film and Video Festival of Innovative Sound Design
May 19th, 2010Elektra Digest
May 17th, 2010Last week, I headed to Montréal for the 11th incarnation of the Elektra International Digital Arts Festival in Montréal. The five day event attracted artists and industry professionals from as far away as Dakar, Seoul, Istanbul and Shanghai, as well as various countries across Europe and North America, to the cosmopolitan Québeqois city, which is […]
Edwin van der Heide Laser Sound Performance Ottawa May 10
May 12th, 2010House of Orange, a two week celebration of Dutch and Canadian culture, held as part of the 65th anniversary of the liberation of the Netherlands by Canadian troops during World War Two, kicked off with a spectacular presentation of Edwin van der Heide’s Laser Sound Performance, Monday May 10 at the Mercury Lounge. Presented last week at Elektra, in the […]
Blogging at the speed of dial up
May 9th, 2010Elektra is over, and I’m left cold. Not just because it snowed on the last day of the festival, (leaving me no choice but to wear every single article of clothing I had brought with me to MTL at once,) but because last night’s finale, sadly, fell short of what I was hoping for. We were […]
Three disparate Elektra fragments, early Saturday morning.
May 8th, 20101.Edwin van der Heide’s Laser Sound Performance is being presented nightly here at Usine C. Smoky beams of radiant colour slice through the open industrial space. Violent or spectacular – you be the judge when it is presented in Ottawa Monday as part of House of Orange at the Mercury Lounge. 2.If you don’t already […]
elektra.001 a beginning
May 8th, 2010Elektra is in full swing. I’ve been overwhelmed. Must start small and work into the core of what has been presented here. Zimoun‘s elegant installation at Push Galerie has been on my mind since seeing it on Wednesday. Here, a series of 216 dc motors – each strung with a strand of 1.0m wire – […]
Vancouver in Stereo – Channel One
November 25th, 2009Interactive Futures is a rad little festival/symposium in Vancouver. It’s theme this year was stereo. The dominant representation in that theme was stereoscopic video (3D glasses kind of stuff), but the symposium expanded the concept through into more intellectual considerations on the idea of stereo in creative technological practice. Day one IF had heavy representation […]
Stereolab – tricks for the eye from the NFB
October 19th, 2009Ottawa’s Animation International Animation festival took place this past weekend, and although I was a little swamped with the coming Nite Ride I did manage to squeeze in the stereoscopic presentations from the National Film Board’s StereoLab. The StereoLab has been around the NFB since the late 90’s and one of it’s central elements is […]
Nuit Blanche 09 – Toronto
October 7th, 2009On m’a demandé de faire un reportage sur Nuit Blanche à Toronto mais malheureusement j’ai fini par voir que 5-6 projets à cause des files d’attente et peut-être aussi par paresse. J’ai quand même durée jusqu’à 7 h du matin, mais même à cette heure là les files d’attentes étaient pas possibles. Anyway, c’était quand […]
Le signal et le bruit.
June 22nd, 2009C’est entre les montagnes et l’océan Pacifique, à Vancouver, que le festival d’art médiatique Signal & Noise avait lieu, du 23 au 26 avril dernier. Organisé par VIVO Media Art Centre, ce festival a la qualité d’aller dans différentes directions disciplinaires, et l’édition 2009 était indéniablement portée vers la vidéo. Bien qu’une soirée sonore et […]