#BustOutYOW… it’s Maker: Nigel Vezeau

January 16th, 2013

This month I caught up with Nigel Vezeau, an Ottawa-based maker. This post is part of the #BustOutYow series which aims to showcase people and projects that are creatively intervening in and engaging with the architecture of our surroundings; that are discussing or revealing public stories –publicly. They are people who are playing and learning […]

#BustOutYOW → The Laser Musicbox

August 8th, 2012

It’s perhaps fitting that my last post opened the ‘#BustOutYOW’ project with an ambitious aim ‘to beam your content to the world’ and this post picks up the challenge with a tangible laser-based opportunity. Christopher Smeenk, a researcher working between the University of Ottawa and National Research Council within the Joint Lab for Attosecond Science […]

Ottawa: Where strange things can grow

August 4th, 2012

Hey Folks, Thanks for the platform Ryan! It’s a bit of an awkward one for me, I must admit. Some of my city hall colleagues have enjoyed a bit of a chuckle as a result of it. Anyone familiar with my blogging on Richard Florida’s Creative Class Exchange would know why. Ryan is asking some […]

#BustOutYOW/ I want to beam your content to the world.

July 10th, 2012

As Critical Resident Blogger across Artengine and Apt613 I want to initiate a project to get to know the readers, makers, and doers within these spaces and this city. I want to draw on the public mandates, philosophy’s and social nature of my hosts – Artengine and Apt613. And, I am keen to push the […]