A note on EF’s print design(er/s)

Some closing remarks on Electric Fields 2010 will come later but for now, just a quick note to tip my hat et lever mon verre to Simon Guibord. When he isn’t working at Daïmon, running a record label or playing in If Then Do and Kingdom Shore, it seems he is churning out some very attractive minimalist print design. So minimal that he has taken a radical less-is-more approach in the design of his own website simong.ca. Bravo, Simon!

I was lucky last year when Artengine commissioned me to create a series of photos that Simon would use as design elements in the print materials for Nite Ride.

These photos were recently revisted as Simon laid out the Nite Ride publication and DVD. Here’s a glimpse.

Electric Fields 2010 (Paul Galipeau/Artengine.ca)
Two of my photos complemented heavily by Simon’s design aesthetic

Simon came back again this year, with the also talented Xavier Coulombe-Murray to complete the design work needed for Electric Fields/Champs électriques and, once again, did a bang up job.

Electric Fields 2010 (Paul Galipeau/Artengine.ca)

Electric Fields 2010 (Paul Galipeau/Artengine.ca)

So this post complements mostly one person who I admire as a person, like me, working in both digital and print mediums. Nous sommes aussi tous les deux francophones (bilingues) which may or may not influence our process.

Really though, complements aside, I want to underline (sousligner) all the awesome things happen à l’autre bord du pont (des ponts?). Il n’y a pas assez de ponts. If you’re reading this and you haven’t yet, cross the bridge sometime. Get to know Hull a bit. I mentioned Daïmon. Axené07 & Le Temporaire are good places too. Go see what’s happening là-bas.

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