Critical Blogging resting and waiting for the new year.

?This announcement is notice of the early end to the Critical Blogging Residency undertook in partnership between Artengine and Vague Terrain. Our resident blogger, Rhiannon Vogl, is leaving the residency in order to take on other professional challenges which we know she will excel at. We are excited to start the next edition of the residency in the new year so keep an eye out for the call for applications in February 2011.


2 Responses to “Critical Blogging resting and waiting for the new year.”

  1. rhiannon says:

    *waves sadly from her office window*
    much love artengine!

  2. andree says:

    Je suis contente de voir que Andrew s’amuse avec ses projets créatifs. Merci pour le blog… cool Andrew! À quand la prochaine expo pour que je puisse apprécier ton travail , ta réflexion….sur qui nous sommes!!!


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