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Oscar Bailey
Fulgence Charpentier
Jean Coulthard
Camille Dagenais
Edith Iglauer
Trudi Le Caine
Joe Plaskett
Beryl Plumptre
Louis Rasminsky
Bill Reid
Gordon Robertson
Helen Rogers
Doris Shadbolt
Thomas Shoyama
Irene Mary (Biss) Spry
Trudi Le Caine (colour)

Trudi Le Caine
b. 1911, n�e: Janowski � Barvaria,
d. 2000, Ottawa, Ontario

Trudi was a zealous advocate for the arts in general, and music in particular. She turned her talents to teaching French and volunteering for budding arts organizations. She became known as the doyenne of art patrons in Ottawa.

"I'm glad I had a contribution to make and above all, I had a debt to pay to Canada." She is satisfied with "all the seeds I have sown and that have sprouted."

  Trudi Le Caine (black & white)
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