“Working in documentary, short drama, experimental, and animation modes, Cram’s versatile and engaging work offers passionate, poetic explorations of everything from motherhood to childhood to Joan of Arc to the Cold War to midwifery… [a] remarkably diverse, ever-evolving catalogue of cinematic expression.”
– Café Ex, Canadian Film Institute, December 10, 2024
Les sommets du cinéma d’animation 2023 – un avant-goût
24 Images, 9 mai 2023
Local filmmaker Pixie Cram’s work Witch Woman selected for Ottawa animation festival
Ottawa Citizen, September 22, 2022
Where to start at the Ottawa International Animation Festival
Apt613, September 14, 2022
…“When I Walk In” features some gorgeous images of the Grand Canyon and its environs split with footage of Charnley on the phone. The visual has a nostalgic weight to it, as it captures fleeting moments of profound beauty and loneliness.”
The Joy of Violent Movement, March 7 2022
“… but there are [sic] actually a lot of notable talents in the Ottawa region—one just needs the opportunities to encounter them… Take, for example, the work of veteran experimental filmmaker Pixie Cram, whose work is a staple at Ottawa events… She is at MMFF this year with a music video for the band Plumes, which is fronted by Ottawa native Veronica Charnley.”
POV Magazine, July 21, 2021
Plumes Releases an earthy and sensual video for “Golden Gourmande”
The Joy of Violent Movement, October 26, 2020
CKCU FM Can I Have a Word? Thursday October 8th, 2020 with Bob LeDrew
Best of CIHAW: Waubgeshig Rice and Pixie Cram on the end of the world
Pixie Cram’s Pragmatopia at Gimli Film Festival
Khashayar Mohammadi, August 3, 2020
Interview: Ottawa filmmaker Pixie Cram on Pragmatopia—streaming on 07.23.20
Apt613, July 17, 2020
After Horizons: Pixie Cram, Matthieu Hallé and Andres Salas
Conversation recorded at Knot Project Space, November 30, 2018
Poulains ottaviens de l’ONF au Festival international d’animation
Le Droit, 25 september 2018
Ottawa Animation Festival: Pixie Cram makes her debut with Emergency Broadcast
Artsfile, September 24, 2018
Ottawa International Animation Festival announces the 2018 film selection
Apt613, July 24, 2018
Ottawa artist captures eerie cold war mood with stop-motion film
CBC news, July 23, 2017
Une artiste d’Ottawa capte le sinistre climat de la guerre froide avec un film image par image (stop-motion)
Radio Canada, le 25 juillet 2017
Meet Pixie Cram, the 2017 Diefenbunker Museum artist-in-residence
Apt613.ca, Ottawa, February 22nd 2017
“Pixie Cram’s Joan uses stop-motion animation and pixilation techniques to tell the story of Joan of Arc… Through this technique and dark, moody lighting, the beautifully shot, emotive film seemed to resonate extremely well with the audience.”
Ottawa Tonite, February 2015
Pixie Cram en conversation avec Guillaume LaFleur au Studio de Daïmon, le 14 février 2014
“We use the city as a canvas.”
Apt613.ca, Ottawa, August 2012
“Filmmaker Pixie Cram has captured both the ups and downs of producing a show and the absolutely amazing journeys of the participants in the stage show that is the subject of this film.”
Ottawa Tonite, February 2011
“…the audience tends to engage itself in symptomatic contemplation of the scenes. One can, for example, think about what aspect of our society or culture the image of a mother breast-feeding is representing and how it does so.”
Unruled Eyes: Masaki Condo’s Blog 2010