Laura Marie Wayne is a musician, scholar and filmmaker from Canada. She holds degrees from Mount Allison University and the University College of London, England, where she was a Marie Curie Fellow from 2007 until 2009. Upon departing from academia, Laura ventured east, where she spent several years exploring India and Southeast Asia through the lens of her camera. Laura has devoted the last three years to documentary direction at the International School of Film and Television (EICTV) in Havana, Cuba. She continues to pursue her passion for authentic self-expression and has shared her work at festivals across Europe, North America and the Caribbean.Laura Marie Wayne is a musician, scholar and filmmaker from Canada. She holds degrees from Mount Allison University and the University College of London, England, where she was a Marie Curie Fellow from 2007 until 2009. Upon departing from academia, Laura ventured east, where she spent several years exploring India and Southeast Asia throu …
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