Resurfacing:\By Ward Market\Prototyping

Resurfacing is a flagship project for a collection of interactive installations.  Since its beginning in 2004, the collaborative design process flowed between research, formation of key ideas, on to testing the ideas as individual designs, and subsequently problem-solving--often overlapping one piece of the design process with another.  Research specific to computer tool development and program debugging plays and especially significant role in shaping the form of this project.  Below are a sampling, in reverse chronological order, from the many iterations of the current Resurfacing project:


illustration of simple still being resurfaced,
Quicktime 2.8 MB
  illustration of simple video being resurface,
Quicktime 4.7 MB
research of early concept development: touchscreen membrane,
Quicktime 1.9 MB
  research of early concept development: responsive architecture 1,
Quicktime 3.0 MB
research of early concept development: responsive architecture 2
Quicktime 1.7 MB
Resurfacing:\By Ward Market
Resurfacing:\By Ward Market
.\Proposal   .\Prototyping   .\About
.\Proposal     .\Prototyping     .\About