Solid Vision

M70 Lab

“Solid Vision” is an art installation showcasing independent Canadian artists’ work in stereoscopic video production. The exhibit explores various creative approaches to 3D, from traditional animation to custom shooting rigs. Presented in collaboration with the National Film Board of Canada’s Stereolab, “Solid Vision” features new 3D projects from their Hothouse program, offering a unique and innovative viewing experience. Additionally, a 3D show and tell will be held during the Mini Maker Faire to share the DIY spirit and diverse techniques involved in stereoscopic production.

Start: 04/11/2010

End: 07/11/2010

While big budget cinema looks for another Avatar to keep audiences shelling out coin for the sticky sweet gigaplex experience, we have been keeping a close eye on the alternative side of stereoscopic video production. This installation loop will highlight independent work from around Canada where artists have been exploring the boundaries of stereoscopic production. From hybrid-forms of traditional animation to xml programming to custom shooting rigs, Solid Vision will create a unique plane of vision for the audience.

Solid Vision is presented in collaboration with the National Film Board of Canada and their Stereolab. The NFB has provided the stereoscopic presentation system for Solid Vision, and has included the new 3D projects from the 2010 edition of their Hothouse program for emerging filmmakers.

In the DIY spirit of many of the artists involved in Solid Vision, a 3D show and tell will take place during the Mini Maker Faire. Come check out the different approaches to the new stereo.

Kiarra Albina, Marten Berkman, Claire Blanchet, Fred Casia, Munro Ferguson, Zane Kozak, Greg Labute, Willy Le Maitre, Christopher Payne, Jelena Popovic, Megan Turnbull, Marie Valade, Sam Vipod,