#WIP Podcast - AGGV School Workshops (Episode 1)


Work-In-Progress (i.e. #WIP) is an AGGV podcast that offers some insight from behind the scenes to curatorial and educational projects and collaborations that could be seen as open-ended or process-based — highlighting some of the experimental and exploratory work that is taking shape both inside and outside of the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria’s physical gallery spaces.

In this episode we are joined by collaborators from the AGGV’s School Workshops series – a partnership with the University of Victoria’s Indigenous Education Program. The School Workshops are for grades 4-12 in school districts throughout the Greater Victoria area, and are typically offered each fall from October through November. This year’s workshops were inspired by Dylan Thomas’s (Qwul’thilum’s) artworks from our latest Teacher Resource Guide with movement and sound activities facilitated by guest artist Alex Chen.

As we prepare for these school workshops we’re asking questions such as; How can we truly embody the First Peoples Principles of Learning in this work? In what ways will we share Dylan Thomas’s (Qwul’thilum’s) artwork (from our current Teacher Resource Guide) that will spark curiosity and excitement to learn more about his work and the work of many other Indigenous artists? And of course, how will we show up in ways that ensure young learners feel deeply respected, seen, and heard?

This is our fifth year collaborating with UVic’s Indigenous Education Department. It is an honor to learn and work together, and to be part of making sure Indigenous perspectives are celebrated and honored in local schools. Our hope is that this episode will help extend the learning that’s happening within the School Workshops beyond the classroom, and a way to share the conversations surrounding this program more broadly with family, friends and communities who might want to learn more.

Learn more about the #WIP Podcast at: https://anchor.fm/art-gallery-of-grea…

This podcast series is generously supported by a Canada Council for the Arts Digital Now Grant.

The Art Gallery of Greater Victoria is located on the traditional territory of the lək̓ʷəŋən speaking peoples, today known as the Esquimalt and Songhees Nations. We extend our gratitude and appreciation for the opportunity to live and work on this territory.

Video editing by Marina DiMaio.Work-In-Progress (i.e. #WIP) is an AGGV podcast that offers some insight from behind the scenes to curatorial and educational projects and collaborations that could be seen as open-ended or process-based — highlighting some of the experimental and exploratory work that is taking shape both inside and outside of the Art Gallery of Greater V …

Key moments

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Alex Chen
Alex Chen

Alex Chen


Family Ties to Shanghai
Family Ties to Shanghai

Family Ties to Shanghai


Purpose of Art
Purpose of Art

Purpose of Art


What Makes a Welcoming Environment
What Makes a Welcoming Environment

What Makes a Welcoming Environment


Indigenous Principles of Learning
Indigenous Principles of Learning

Indigenous Principles of Learning


What Makes for a Welcoming Experience
What Makes for a Welcoming Experience

What Makes for a Welcoming Experience


Learning Takes Patience and Time
Learning Takes Patience and Time

Learning Takes Patience and Time


Celebration Song
Celebration Song

Celebration Song


Autogenerated Transcript from YouTube (if available)

Use CTRL+F to find key words if it is a longer transcript​.