Interview / Entrevista a Gabriela Aveiro - Ojeda (director videogame "I'll Take Care Of It")


Gabriela Aveiro -Ojeda, freelance animator based out of Toronto, talks about “I’ll Take Of It”, videogame she developed exclusively for aluCine Festival 2017.
Gabriela is co-director at Dames Making Games, a non-for profit which support women and non-binary folk in making, plating and changing games.
Gabriela Aveiro-Ojeda, animadora freelance radicada en Toronto, habla sobre “I’ll Take Care Of It”, videojueg Aveiro -Ojeda, freelance animator based out of Toronto, talks about “I’ll Take Of It”, videogame she developed exclusively for aluCine Festival 2017.
Gabriela is co-director at Dames Making Games, a non-for profit which support women and non-binary folk in  …

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