HanHan performing World Gong Crazy at #MonsterWorld Mashup 2018.
Born in 2011, MonstrARTity Creative Community is a not-for-profit organization, based in Mississauga and committed to providing entertainment for the young and old alike. Other exciting projects of MonstrARTity Creative community are:
– #BollywoodMonster Mashup, the largest South Asian festival in Canada happening in summer: http://www.bollywoodmonstermashup.com
– #MonsterArtistDevelopment program – learning opportunity for all types of artists: http://www.monsterartistdevelopment.com
– #MonsterArts for Youth – workshops for schools: http://www.monsterartsforyouth.com
Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/MonsterWorld…
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/WorldMashup_
Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/monstrartity/
Website ► http://www.monsterworldmashup.com/
SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more music festival announcements, performances and artists featured. ↓↓↓HanHan performing World Gong Crazy at #MonsterWorld Mashup 2018.
Born in 2011, MonstrARTity Creative Community is a not-for-profit organization, based in Mississauga and
#BollywoodMonster Mashup
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