Behind the Scene reimagines the artist’s studio in 19th-century France. The exhibition examines how artists’ workshops served multiple functions, including spaces devoted to artistic creation, locations of social interaction and debate, sales rooms for unsold works, exhibition spaces for artists’ personal collections, and storage sites for wide-ranging art and artefacts.Behind the Scene reimagines the artist’s studio in 19th-century France. The exhibition examines how artists’ workshops served multiple functions, including spaces devoted to artistic creation, locations of social interaction and debate, sales rooms for unsold works, exhibition spaces for artists’ personal collections, and storage sites for wide-ranging …
Second Waltz
André Rieu, Johann Strauss Orchestra
Second Waltz
UMG (on behalf of André Rieu Productions BV); BMI – Broadcast Music Inc., Muserk Rights Management, União Brasileira de Compositores, LatinAutor, SOCAN RR, Wise Music Group, LatinAutorPerf, ASCAP, and 21 music rights societies
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