Exhibition Highlight with Kathryn Killackey: Something from Nothing


Kathryn Killackey: Something from Nothing
Oct 4 to Oct 29, 2022
Members’ Gallery

Something from Nothing is a series of self-assigned drawing exercises, designed to break through artist block. They are based on the now disproven scientific theory of spontaneous generation. This theory hypothesized that nonliving matter can give rise to living organisms, explaining the seemingly sudden appearance of mice in grain stores, frogs on muddy banks, and maggots on meat.

Each exercise contrasts a detailed rendering of a human-made or biological form with abstract shapes and lines made with less controlled techniques including graphite washes, rough lines, and paper scraps. The solidity of the depicted natural and cultural forms presses against the ambiguous shapes, spontaneous marks, and blunt paper edges. Through the drawing process, the inert exercises quicken and become moments of transformation, reconciling the dichotomy of things within and out of our control. Disparate parts give rise to new wholes.Kathryn Killackey: Something from Nothing
Oct 4 to Oct 29, 2022
Members’ Gallery …

Centre[3] For Artistic and Social Practice




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