Randy Persaud invites you to Bollywood Monster Mashup


The LARGEST South Asian festival in Canada is coming back to Mississauga Celebration Square for its 6th year!

Randy Persaud from The HazeFM and Roger’s Talk Local will be there, will you?

Join thousands for this FREE festival on July 22nd and 23rd!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BollywoodMas…
Twitter: @BollywoodMashup
Instagram: @monstrARTity
Snapchat: @monstrARTityThe LARGEST South Asian festival in Canada is coming back to Mississauga Celebration Square for its 6th year!

Randy Persaud from The HazeFM and Roger’s Talk Local will be there, will you? 

#BollywoodMonster Mashup




Autogenerated Transcript from YouTube (if available)

Use CTRL+F to find key words if it is a longer transcript​.