[Pdmtl] flocons
joseph at sat.qc.ca
Jeu 6 Jan 22:31:59 EST 2011
ahh... comme la neige a neig�!
Le 11-01-06 21:41, Mathieu Bouchard a �crit :
> http://gridflow.ca/gallery/flocon_256_114_14.png
> http://gridflow.ca/gallery/flocon_256_329_16.png
> http://gridflow.ca/gallery/flocon_256_96_15.png
> http://gridflow.ca/gallery/joyeux_no%C3%ABl.png
> _______________________________________________________________________
> | Mathieu Bouchard ---- t�l: +1.514.383.3801 ---- Villeray, Montr�al, QC
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*Joseph Lef�vre*:: Directeur des r�sidences :: *SAT[creation]*
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1201 boulevard Saint-Laurent :: C.P. 1093, Succ. Desjardins :
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