[Pdmtl] Open sound control in windows
Alexandre Quessy
alexandre at quessy.net
Lun 20 Déc 16:42:29 EST 2010
2010/12/20 Eldad Tsabary <tazberry_docs at yahoo.ca>:
> Is there a way to send OSC messages from an external controller to PD in
> windows (since OSCulator only works on Mac OS)?
> GlovePIE is a nice alternative solution using midi messages, but the
> hierarchical arrangement of OSC messages is very useful.
> The only way I can think of is creating a PD subpatch that receives MIDI
> messages and translates them into OSC messages. Does anyone know of a better
> way (except getting a mac)?
Well, you could write a Python script that uses python-pypm (portmidi
bindings) and python-txosc. (OSC for Twisted)
You need to be a little comfortable in Python to do so, though.
Alexandre Quessy
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