[Lab] Laser Cutting from InkScape and Combined Raster/Vector printing

Janick Bergeron janick at bergeron.com
Mon Dec 16 15:51:25 EST 2013

1) Has anyone had success printing to the Epilog directly from InkScape? If I do, the job always shows up as "none". Saving as PDF then printing the PDF works fine, but this extra step is annoying.

2) I was trying to print a combined raster/vector job and, for the life of me, could not get the vectors to cut even though my line widths where set to 0.001". It seemed related to the fact that I was using 100 DPI, but the fourth table here (http://www.epiloglaser.com/tl-line-weights.htm) says it should have worked. I ended up doing it as two separate jobs: one raster at 100 DPI and one vector as 500 DPI. Anyone else had better luck with combined jobs?

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