[Lab] Speech rec for embedded device

Richard Guy Briggs rgb at tricolour.net
Wed Nov 2 13:05:28 EDT 2011

On Wed, Nov 02, 2011 at 12:42:59PM -0400, Jean-Marc LeBlanc wrote:
> Does any one know how speech recognition works? what I understand so far,
> sample 0.96 sec or audio
> filter it
> fft to generate a vecotor
> then they use the hidden Markov model to determine the best match.

This sounds a lot like my 4th year project for my undergrad that I
finished 19 years ago...  using an artificial neural network to do
speech recognition

> I am having trouble understanding hmm and how it works with speech
> rec.  I am hopping some one might have done some thing like this in
> the past.

A bit distant, but hoping to retrieve some of it for fun and profit...

> It seems to be similar to pattern detection. If i am not mistaken
> there are a few CV expert in the list/.
> Really I am looking for a good read that is not limited to some
> library or a frame work
> any info or tips would help.  I did do my own research on Google
> every thing I found was tutorials on how to use specific framework or
> tool kit.  I don't really mind tool kits but I would like to apply the
> bsd or mit license to my code. though even if its a restrictive
> license it might be a good learning resource.

I would have to dig to see what I can find...

We should take this offline...  613-860-2354

> I think my best bet would be to port this project
> http://www.isip.piconepress.com/projects/speech/html/license.html.
> thanks for helping me brain storm
> Jean-Marc Le Blanc

	slainte mhath, RGB

Richard Guy Briggs               --  ~\    -- ~\            <hpv.tricolour.net>
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