[Lab] TEDxKids invite

Jonathan Rudenberg jonathan at titanous.com
Sat Nov 6 21:21:43 EDT 2010

----- Forwarded message from Lindsay Aranoff <lindsay at tedxkids.ca> -----

Date: Sat, 6 Nov 2010 19:10:23 -0400
From: Lindsay Aranoff <lindsay at tedxkids.ca>
Subject: TEDxKids invite

Hi Team Mod Lab (or what refer to as ROBOT CLUB!!!!!!),

I'm writing to let you know we have a handful of spots left at our TEDxKids
Salon <http://tedxkids.ca/event-details/> this coming Tuesday, and would
love to see some of you in attendance. The key details are as follows:

When :: November, 9th, 2010, from 12pm-5pm

Where :: The Canada Agriculture
Ottawa, Canada

Who :: 200 kids and adults (and some 70+ cows)

What :: The event is comprised of over 15 live speakers and
performers<http://tedxkids.ca/speakers/>deliver the talk of their
lives in 12 minutes or less, pre-recorded
TEDTalks <http://www.ted.com/>, and other surprises. Some of our speakers
will be launching practical Jamie Oliver Food
Revolution<http://www.tedprize.org/jamie-oliver/>Projects and
Charter for Compassion
<http://www.tedprize.org/2008-winners/#armstrong>Projects at the

Outside of the TEDxKids Talk sessions, there will be a mélange of unusual
break activities, such as speed dating for ideas, a scavenger hunt, magic
mud, yoga, snacks, an electric van, collaborative art installation, and

*How :: *If you're interested in attending or supporting this event, you
have a few options.

   1. Purchase a ticket here <http://tedxkidshill.eventbrite.com/>. There is
   also an option here to cover the cost of a ticket for a kid who is attending
   (all kids attend for free in exchange for doing 8 hours of volunteer work).
   If you choose this option, you will *receive recognition as an
   independent partner*.
   2. If you're uncomfortable purchasing a ticket, email me your name and
   contact, and I'll add your name to the participant list (until we're at
   venue capacity). We do not want anyone to miss out on this event due to
   monetary constraints.
   3. We're still looking for a few more volunteers. If this is something
   you're interested in, please email me.

I'll include our loose agenda for the afternoon below (in case you're
curious). You can also poke around the following places for more TEDxKids
fun: *
| TED Profile <http://www.ted.com/tedx/events/475.html> ::
<http://www.tedxkids.ca/> Website <http://www.tedxkids.ca/> ::
Facebook Fans<http://www.facebook.com/tedxkids>
:: Tweets <http://www.twitter.com/tedxkids> ::
<http://www.twitter.com/tedxkids>Flickr Photos<http://www.flickr.com/tedxkids>

 Let me know if you have any questions, and we'll go from there.

 Happy Saturday...


TEDxKids Salon :: AGENDA
12:00pm-12:40pm = Registration and Passive Activities
12:40pm-12:50pm = Lining up at the theatre doors
12:50pm-01:00pm = Seated in the Theater (Building 76-large room)
01:00pm-02:00pm = TEDxKids Session One
02:00pm-03:20pm = Break Time One
03:20pm-03:30pm = Line up and seating in the theatre (5 minutes for each)
03:30pm-04:30pm = TEDxKids Session Two
04:30pm-05:00pm = Break Time Two

12:00pm-12:40pm = Registration and Passive Activities

   - All 200 participants (kids, adults, and support staff) sign in, receive
   their swag bags, and create their name tags.
   - All participants must sign the TEDxKids @TheHill sign with a RED
   sharpie (to appear on stage).
   - Store backpacks according to schools (different boxes or crates)
   - Coffee, water, and snacks will be available
   - Virtual Ventures will be running passive activities: goo, slime, and
   mystery box
   - Carl with be showcasing his electric VW van
   - There will be an area for photo shoot (umbrellas, empty frames, box)
   - Participants can also write their “before” Quotables card (this is a
   tiny message of why they wanted to come to the event, what they are most
   excited for, or something else)

01:00pm-02:00pm = TEDxKids Session One

   - Introduction with the MCs. Activity Speed Dating with Ideas
   - My parents don’t know... (introduce this activity, and follow up in
   session 2)
   - Encourage moments of contemplation (ex: turn to the person to your
   right, whoever has brown hair talk first, Question: What was the most
   inspiring part of that talk?)
   - Project Launch Number 1

02:00pm-03:20pm = Break Time One

   - Rainbow Foods provides snacks (small room, Building 76)
   - Drumming Circle (30 minutes, Building 95)
   - Scavenger hunt will take place around the farm (in order to crowd
   - Bee Exhibit: button maker, beed demo, butter demo, planes demonstration
   - Dairy Farm: Cows’ Dinner exhibit (visit the cows)
   - Dairy Farm School Rooms: Yoga in room one and Virtual Ventures
   activities in room two
   - Building 95: Drumming Circle with 75-100 people
   - Buidling 151: Quotables clothesline, Stefan’s Green graffitti and
   exhibit, Mariana’s photography exhibit, photo station, and animal visiting
   (sheep, bull, pigs, horses, goats, rabbit)

03:30pm-04:30pm = TEDxKids Session Two

   - My parents don’t know... (introduce this activity, and follow up in
   session 2)
   - Encourage moments of contemplation (ex: turn to the person to your
   right, whoever has brown hair talk first, Question: What was the most
   inspiring part of that talk?)
   - Project Launch Number 2

04:30pm-05:00pm = Break Time Two

   - 30 minutes: Kids and Teachers meet to discuss projects and next steps
   (possibly have WIGUP film parts of this to include in their video)
   - Adults have free time to explore other activities.


 | @aranoff <http://twitter.com/aranoff> :: twitter | www.tedxkids.ca ::
website | 1.613.263.8052 :: mobile | lindsayaranoff :: skype |

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