[Lab] [ORE_bits] Re: 3.175mm end mills

Graham planophore at aei.ca
Sat Dec 11 10:19:44 EST 2010


If your chuck will only hold 1/8" or 3.157" tooling you are out of luck 
on a Saturday to get some proper end mills.

Dremel bits will fit and you could try using some of those bits seeing 
as you are starting with plastic and wood

"proper" end mills in that size can be found at Legre tools on Morrison 
(Mon to Fri) or by mail order (eBay, KBC Tools in Toronto, Chronos 
Engineering Supply in the UK, etc, etc - eBay stores are good resource 
to start with and KBC will send you a catalog if you ask either by phone 
or on their web site)

cheers, Graham

On 12/11/2010 10:10, Darcy Whyte wrote:
> hey wait... Isn't that 1/8 inch?
> So if I want to get busy cutting plastics and wood right away, what 
> should I buy and where?
> On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 10:06 AM, Darcy Whyte <darcy at siteware.com 
> <mailto:darcy at siteware.com>> wrote:
>     Apparently the chuck on my CNC router/mill spindle is 3.175mm.
>     Should I order those online or will that be an easy local grab?

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