[Gridflow-dev] [PD] pd2png : screenshots of patchs

Mathieu Bouchard matju at artengine.ca
Tue May 21 01:47:08 EDT 2013

Le 2013-05-21 à 08:33:00, s p a écrit :

> > After all, very few people ever use computerised geography these days... ;)
> I also do, but that's a totally different topic! We're talking about Pd here... right?

Dunno, I thought it had grown into some kind of general argument about 
life, the universe and everything.

> In fact I don't see the point in this argument, you enjoy doing fractal 
> images and you need raster images for that, I program web stuff and I 
> need SVG for that ; I am sure there are people interested in both.

If you say that, it means that you understand my point.

But that's an extreme example : generally, any use of raster images within 
a patch makes svg partly inefficient, partly besides the point. Also, 
people like screenshots so that they can show things exactly like they are 
used in practice... on a raster monitor. That's partially because vector 
monitors haven't been sold since 1980 or so !

Voilà, c'est tout.

| Mathieu BOUCHARD ----- téléphone : +1.514.383.3801 ----- Montréal, QC

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