[Gridflow-dev] no x11 window

Mathieu Bouchard matju at artengine.ca
Sat Mar 17 12:39:00 EDT 2012

Le 2012-03-17 à 12:22:00, Alexandre Castonguay a écrit :

> Libxext and the associated dev package was already installed. I did 
> check into the README and I only installed the libs I needed. I am able 
> to compile with X11 support (in the configure file) but I can't create 
> the object.

Oops, sorry about misreading ; well I don't understand why you'd have to 
create a symlink for it to work. And I've never seen a case where you'd 
compile x11 support and it wouldn't work.

Note that x11 support is now loaded as a separate lib named 
gridflow/gridflow_x11.pd_linux, and this gets loaded automatically by 
gridflow/gridflow.pd_linux, but only in the case that you load it 

Note that you should not have a -path to GridFlow's directory, only to its 
parent directory, otherwise, GridFlow's separately-compiled plugins will 
not be found (x11, gem, pdp).

What does the log say at load time, about those plugins ? Is there a 
« symbol not found » related to x11 ? since 9.13, this does not prevent 
the rest of gridflow from loading (this is a feature actually meant for 
OSX, but that I implemented portably).

| Mathieu BOUCHARD ----- téléphone : +1.514.383.3801 ----- Montréal, QC

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