[Gridflow-dev] irc meeting on monday

Alexandre Castonguay acastonguay at artengine.ca
Sat Apr 30 12:02:23 EDT 2005

Hi all,

Thanks for posting this announcement Mathieu.  Here are some items that we 
should discuss.  This is followed by a little background info describing 
where this effort comes from.

1 - I think we need to schedule regular meetings and agree on using this list 
as well as the irc channel to exchange info.

2 - How can we dovetail with the rest of the puredata documentation project?

3 - Should we develop a beginner workshop for GridFlow in partnership with 
artengine, matju and the UfO?

4- I'd like us to form a list of the top 10 requests of students/artists 
wanting to work with pd/gf?

5 - we need to be able to assess the success of our work, I wrote that we 
would administer a survey to participants of future workshops (sorry this is 
for my grant ;-)

Here is some background info :

I got a grant to hire Darsha and Stephanie for 2 months to work on a research 
project in order to facilitate learning pd / gf in classes at the UfO.  This 
is the short description of the research project (french only sorry) :

"Realiser une interface graphique intuitive, reformuler un wiki et mettre en 
place d'autres moyens de communications afin de faciliter l'apprentissage de 
PureData par nos etudiants."

This proposal is the result of what I witnessed in my classes and in working 
with artists and pd :

1)La programmation (meme avec un environnement de programmation graphique) 
n'est pas familiere aux artistes.  Ceci peut conduire a un decouragement 
2)L'interface de PureData est austere et ne guide pas les utilisateurs dans 
leur apprentissage.
3)Les artistes, comme les etudiants, sont motives par leurs besoins dans 
l'apprentissage d'un langage de programmation, le programme doit avoir un but 
precis comme la realisation d'une oeuvre d'art.
4)L'installation du logiciel et la configuration de l'environnement de 
production n'est pas facile.
5)Les participants ne font que rarement appel a l'aide qui peut etre offerte 
par la communaute des utilisateurs.
6)Les concepts et la terminologie des langages de programmation sont le plus 
souvent accessibles en anglais seulement.

I realize that the interface idea is maybe not where the most urgent needs are 
and that it requires way more resources than what I have for non-students 
(~1000$) but I think that doing a proof-of-concept interface to a pd server 
would mean continued funding ;-).  Since we have the flashserver already I 
suggest using flash for this.



On Saturday 30 April 2005 11:19, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
> Alex Castonguay and I are calling a meeting about GridFlow's documentation
> efforts, Monday, at 14:00 EDT (18:00 UTC).
> This will happen on the #dataflow channel on the FreeNode IRC Network
> (irc.freenode.net:6667), as usual.
> I'm sorry for not going to Gatineau to have this meeting in person: I'm a
> bit too busy these days. At the same time, making it online will give the
> meeting more visibility and accessibility.
> See you there (Alex, Normand, Stéphanie, Darsha). ttyl
>   ,-o---------o---------o---------o-. ,---.                            |
>   | The Diagram is the Program (TM) | | ,-o-------------o--------------o-.
>   `-o--------------o--------------o-' | | Mathieu Bouchard (Montréal QC) |
>     | téléphone: +1.514.383.3801  `---' `-o-- http://artengine.ca/matju -'

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