The Factory of Light

16mm colour
30 minutes
Fiction narrative with live soundtrack
Score composed by John Wrinch Williams and Pixie Cram
Exhibition format: video

Synopsis: A young woman and a little boy suddenly find themselves alone in an empty city.  They begin to look for where the people have disappeared to, and discover a light factory operated by a group of children.  At screenings in Montreal and in Ottawa, four on-stage musicians performed an original soundtrack during the projection of the film. The quartet included cello, electric guitar, electric bass and percussion.

Screenings / Projections :
Film Femini (Podgorica, Montenegro) – 2009
Gimli Film Festival (Gimli, Manitoba) – 2008
Sala Rossa (Montreal, QC) – 2007
Club SAW (Ottawa, ON) – 2007

L’usine à lumières
16mm, couleur
30 minutes
Récit avec bande sonore trame live
Partition composée par John Wrinch Williams et Pixie Cram
Format: vidéo

Synopsis:  Une jeune femme et un petit garçon se retrouvent dans une ville déserte. Ils partent à la recherche des disparus et découvrent une usine d’ampoules, opérée par un groupe d’enfants. Lors des représentations de Montréal et d’Ottawa, quatre musiciens ont performé la trame sonore originale, pendant la projection. Le quartet était composé d’un violoncelle, d’une guitare électrique, d’une basse électrique et de percussions.

If you look at a lot of canadian literature, it’s full of orphans unable to find themselves in where they come from. This film is packed with those. But at the same time, the fact that they’re children shows the filmmaker hasn’t lost hope. If art has the power to save us from the evil in the world, it will have to come from those artists still willing to believe in change. And that takes naivety. A fresh outlook.

– David Emery, Wire and Light
May 2007

An engaging meditation on representation, difference, and the state of the world in which we live.  The allegorical structure of this film leads us to reflect on the relationships between disaster and community, between the innocence of wonder and the clarity of knowledge (…)  Thoughtful, rich in atmosphere and detail, and well paced and conceived, The Factory of Light delivers us to the demands of the waking world through the reflective worlds of myth and imagination.

– Randy Innes, PhD