Just a heads up!<br><br>For those interested in learning how to use the laser please feel free to come to the laser cutting workshop in the lab this Thursday from 7pm-9pm. <span class="vevent"><span class="description"> We will touch on every
thing from the types of files you can print, the preferences in
printing, what materials to cut, and how to access the laser at
Artengine.</span></span><br><br>There is also a reservation system in place due to the nature of this workshop and the limited space:<br><span class="vevent"><span class="description"></span></span><a href="http://openworkshoplasercutting.eventbrite.ca/">http://openworkshoplasercutting.eventbrite.ca/</a><br>
<br>Happy Lasersing!<br>Britta<br><br>For more information please feel free to contact me at <a href="mailto:technical@artengine.ca">technical@artengine.ca</a><br><br>