Hi Everyone,<br><br>Ryan and I have been busy hatching some fun plans, a few of which I've detailed <a href="http://www.emilydaniels.com/2011/01/artist-in-residence-at-artengine/">here</a>. I talked with some of you at last night's Mod Lab meetup but for those who weren't able to go, we'd like to offer knowledge-sharing workshops open to the public for free on topics like Learning to Solder, Intro to Processing, Using the Arduino, 3D Printing
with a Makerbot, Wearable Tech, Web Design and Development and anything
else people would like to learn how to do! <br><br>We need people to volunteer to be teachers/skill-sharers and lead a 2-3 hour workshop on whatever subject is interesting to learn/share. Artengine will cover any materials you need and the meeting space. We hope to host one a week starting in mid-February and post resources and further learning links on the wiki for others to use and develop. I'll be reaching out to some this week who have already stepped forward to teach but if you'd like to be involved please email me so I can include you on this project. Just like our Maker Faire, it's only as good as the people involved make it so please don't be shy and share your work!!<br>
<br>Cheers,<br>Emily<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Emily Daniels | <a href="http://emilydaniels.com">emilydaniels.com</a> | @emdaniels | <a href="http://awesomefoundation.org">awesomefoundation.org</a><br><br>