Subject: pdmtl#4 tuesday 19:00 or 19:30...
yes, there's a meeting at le parc videographe (4550 Garnier _upstairs_)
tomorrow at around 19:00 or 19:30, and both Marc-Antoine and Hugo would
show their stuff if they are present, but I haven't had the time to
prepare anything, as I had a work rush for an opening last saturday, and
then I got a cold, _and_ my main computer crashed for good, and I'm in the
process of setting up another computer with its harddisks, but it's long,
and in the meanwhile, i can't even read my emails the normal way.
Alexandre is not coming this time, so i'm not even sure we'll have a
projection of anything... it would be nice if someone would bring one.
else I know there's an old one at videographe, and maybe a recent one if i
start hunting equipment downstairs (i don't know)
Il y a eu une reunion qui etait plutot de 19:45 a... ~22 ~23 ~24 ... les
gens ont quitte graduellement. On a eu un peak de 15 personnes, meme si
Alx/Marc/Michal etaient absents (pour la 1re fois). Il y a eu deux
presentations avec une bonne pause entre les deux:
MARC-ANTOINE DESJARDINS (@ maitrise info UdeM)
mapod : un plugin video pour PureData;
concu dans le cadre d'un cours-projet supervise par Sebastien Roy;
nouvelle version a venir d'ici juin? (prolongement du projet hors du
cadre du cours)
Centrip:layer / Centrik Rec Hordes
and some BasicStamp-based electronics incl a rotary encoder (pour faire
du scratch)
Contrairement aux reunions #2 et #3, presque tout a eu lieu en francais.
C'est juste un hasard. Peut-etre que les anglais aiment mieux les annonces
officielles. Si c'est le cas, le PARC va deborder la prochaine fois. =)