- Date, lieu et heure
- Patrick S�bastien Coulombe pr�sente ses 5 ans de work in progress semi-fonctionnel avec pure data
- Alexandre Porres en direct de S�o Paulo: Convention Pure Data 2009
- Mike Wozniewski: several new Pd libraries
- Mathieu Bouchard et Marc Fournel: [fisheye] nouvel objet GEM de classe geo
- Questions diverses
- Performances
Date, lieu et heure
Quand |
samedi 28 f�vrier 2009 |
� quelle heure |
14H00 � 18H00 |
O� |
Pour qui |
Ouvert � tous et � toutes. Entr�e libre. |
Patrick S�bastien Coulombe pr�sente ses 5 ans de work in progress semi-fonctionnel avec pure data
- Au menu : commande vocale, synchronisme audio-vid�o, edubeat (un drum �lectronique).
Alexandre Porres en direct de S�o Paulo: Convention Pure Data 2009
- Pr�sentation via SKYPE de la prochaine convention Pure Data qui se tendra au Br�sil en 2009.
Mike Wozniewski: several new Pd libraries
[OSCrxtx] provides objects for sending and receiving OSC messages. It relies on the liblo library and provides improvements over the traditional sendOSC and dumpOSC objects. There is multicast/broadcast support, message serialization, and the ability to maintain multiple local instances on the same port(s).
- [cwiidmote] is an external that provides input from Nintendo Wii controllers. This is a new version of Mike's [wiimote] external, with support on Linux platforms using the CWiid library. It has added stability, support for multiple controllers, and a modified OSC-based output format, identical to the OSCulator application for Mac OSX.
- [wiiTracker] is a library containing tracking algorithms for the wiimote's IR camera. The patches and externals operate on data sent via OSC from OSCulator or [cwiidmote], and provide 3D positions of IR light sources. The single wiimote version can track pre-defined shapes such as the Wii sensor bar or a custom triangular rig, and provide the off-axis position and orientation of the item in space. The stereo version works with two wiimotes, providing a calibration routine, that allows for generic 3D tracking of IR light sources. There is also a beta version of a POSIT (pose estimation) algorithm, which tracks and reports the 6DOF of a 3D model made from IR LEDs.
Mathieu Bouchard et Marc Fournel: [fisheye] nouvel objet GEM de classe geo
- Pr�sentation de l'objet geo GEM [fisheye] cr�e par Mathieu Bouchard et Marc Fournel qui permet, entre autres, d'appliquer une distorsion � des images fixes ou en mouvement, en vue d'une projection sur un �cran de type d�me immersif.
Questions diverses
C'est le moment pour poser des questions se rapportant aux multiples aspects de PD (Installation multi plateformes, les objets PureData, les abstractions, ses librairies, "How to...", le "hardware" amis, etc.)
UniSecs et No One Receiving