| Le dimanche 14 mai 2006 |
| 13:00 � 17:00           |
 [t a a]-----.
  |          |
,-o-----,  ,-o-----------------------------------,
| $0   /   | ; at Vid�ographe-PARC              /
|      \   | 4550 Garnier, corner of Mont-Royal \
`-o-----`  `-------------------------------------`
 [t a a]
  |   |
  | .-o------------------------------ -------- ----- --- -- - -
  | | Sara Kolster and Derek Holzer have toured their "resonanCITY"
  | | audiovisual performance to festivals and artist-run centers across
  | | Europe, Canada, the US and Brazil. This performance was created with
  | | Pure Data and GEM, and uses found objects, medium format
  | | photography, field recordings and digital synthesis in a realtime,
  | | improvised setting to create a live cinema experience something
  | | between a dream and a roadtrip.  Kolster and Holzer will discuss the
  | | PD and GEM programming behind "resonanCITY"  and perform a short
  | | improvisation for the PD Montreal meeting.
  | `-o------------------------------ -------- ----- --- -- - -
  |   |
  |  [s bios]
 [t a a]
  |   |
  | .-o------------------------------ -------- ----- --- -- - -
  | | Alexandre Castonguay & Mathieu Bouchard pr�sentent �l�ments,
  | | qui a �t� expos� au Mus�e d'Art Contemporain de Montr�al de
  | | septembre 2005 � janvier 2006. Il sera question des parties
  | | mat�rielles (contr�leurs DMX et projecteurs DIY), des parties
  | | logicielles (patches PureData/GridFlow) et des intentions 
  | | artistiques.
  | `-o------------------------------ -------- ----- --- -- - -
 [t a a]
  |   |
  | .-o------------------------------ -------- ----- --- -- - -
  | | Discussion de groupe sur une �ventuelle PureData Convention
  | | Montr�al 2007, se pr�sentant comme une suite de PureData
  | | Convention Graz 2004. R�flexion sur la forme que la
  | | Convention devrait prendre et presentation des contacts
  | | �tablis � ce jour.  Discussion du r�le de pdmtl et de la 
  | | coordination possible avec New York dans la tenue de
  | | l'evenement.
  | `-o------------------------------ -------- ----- --- -- - -
| ; pd /
| quit \

[r bios]
-o------------------------------ -------- ----- --- -- - -

Kolster [NL 1978] is a video and media artist with a background in web /
graphical design and web-based projects. The focus of her work shifted
more towards video and film; capturing details from urban locations,
visualizing fragments of stories of these environments. She uses different
strategies, from time-based media (video, film) to appropriated research
methods belonging to different observational disciplines (journalism,
documentary & archeology). Recently, her work concentrates on the
integration of sound and image, using different techniques - from medium
format slides, 16 & 35 millimeter film and video to database-systems, live
processing programs such as Pure-Data and web-interfaces.

"I choose my images carefully, with a main focus on details and
close-ups. The camera observes, looking for stories behind objects and
locations. In my work, I emphasize the uninhabited environment in
which human appearance seems to be even more accentuated. This
environment, obviously designed by humans, shows inevitably their
traces. Questions such as who lived there or what has happened, I leave to
be answered by the viewer."

Sara Kolster is supported during 2005-6 by the Fonds voor Beeldende
Kunsten Vormgeving en Bouwkunst (Fonds BKVB) of The Netherlands.


Derek Holzer [USA 1972] is a sound artist with a background in radio,
webstreaming and environmental recording. His work focuses on capturing
and transforming small, unnoticed sounds from various natural and urban
locations, networked collaboration strategies, experiments in
improvisational sound and the use of free software such as Pure-Data. He
has released tracks under the Nexsound, Sirr, and/OAR and Gruenrekorder
labels, and has co-initiated several internet projects for field
recording and collaborative soundscapes including Soundtransit.nl.

Holzer has been using and teaching Pure Data for the last 5 years.

"One of the central concepts of my work is that every object and space
around us is a recorder. Each one has collected the resonances of its
surroundings for as long as it has existed. You could call it an
acoustic version of particle physics or genetics, because the idea
remains the same--in the smallest details you will find a representation
of the greater whole. My task as a sound artist is often just to listen,
and to listen very closely, to the histories hidden inside our everyday

Derek Holzer is supported during 2005-7 by Fonds voor Beeldende Kunsten
Vormgeving en Bouwkunst (Fonds BKVB) of The Netherlands.