Quoi: PureData Montr�al Users Group meeting #10 Quand: 2005 mai 14, from 13:00 to 17:00 EDT O�: Vid�ographe-PARC Garnier 4550, 2i�me �tage (coin Mont-Royal) (m�tro Mont-Royal puis marcher vers l'est) $: Entr�e libre (dons appr�ci�s) Langue: Fran�ais avec un peu d'anglais, comme d'habitude. Au programme (provisoire): 1. ST�PHANIE BRODEUR & DARSHA HEWITT The Magnetic Information Liberation Front (M.I.L.F.) As individuals, Brodeur's practice often explores the boundaries between art and technology, while Hewitt is primarily interested in critiquing the language and symbols of consumerism. Together, these conceptual artists have produced a tongue-in-cheek way of finding one's self in our fast-paced, economy-driven world. By re-interpreting open-source computing code and applying it to a contraption assembled from an array of spare parts including an old speaker and a magnetic card reader, Brodeur and Hewitt have produced an object that has the capacity to free individuals from the sensation of meaninglessness that comes with being identified according to series of numbers. Accompanying the M.I.L.F. is an infomercial that satirizes the conventions of television intended to sell solutions for better living. (this will also be an exhibition this summer at Ottawa Art Gallery) 2. ALEXANDRE CASTONGUAY presents semester projects by visual arts students of the UFO (University oF Ottawa) (no description available as of now) 3. (place libre pour une pr�sentation de votre cr�; envoyez-moi votre proposition!) 4. (place libre pour une pr�sentation de votre cr�; envoyez-moi votre proposition!) 5. DISCUSSION ABOUT PUREDATA CONVENTION 2005 (the convention would be held this autumn in Montr�al) 5.1. When should it be held (e.g. October or November) 5.2. Who wants to be an organiser, and which organisms would be into providing travel money, rooms, advertising, etc. 5.3. Who should be invited, and what would be the process of inviting people. Especially, how do we balance things so that this year's conference invites enough people from far away, yet compensates by inviting people who were too far away to be at the 2004 convention. (note: in the dev/users category, the 2004 convention had 5 people from Graz, 4 from Barcelona, and 4 from North America (!!!). pensez-y) 5.4. (etc)