miriam bohemia
solo painting exhibit
in conjunction with the 10th annual Edgy Women X (Femmes au - delà)
March 15 to March 29 , 2003

From red flags to red light districts, the erosion of the Communist system in the former Soviet bloc countries has exposed a new phenomenon - an explosion of the sex trade. Miriam Bohemia, a Czechoslovak born artist living in Montreal, paints women posing in poses found in war-era Communist propaganda posters and American pin-up posters of the same era. The paintings subvert the original intentions of these classic war-era illustrations. Rather than promoting and glorifying war, as was their original intention, Miriam Bohemia's paintings show the connection between gender, militarism and globalization. The paintings expose both the desperate and creative ways women survive inside this context. Miriam Bohemia's women will leave the viewer feeling equally intrigued and troubled, as these women use their bodies to negotiate a way through the challenges posed by the erosion of the Communist system and the proliferation of militarism.

join Miriam Bohemia
at the opening of her solo painting exhibit
Saturday, March 15, 2003, 2:00 p.m.
Show runs until March 28, 2003

Gallery 303
372 St. Catherine W.
Montréal, Québec

514 - 393 - 3771


All works copyright miriam bohemia.
Images may not be reproduced in any form without the express written consent of miriam bohemia.