The meaning of names among Mediterranean Jews
Marc Eliany �
Abitbol, Teboul, Toubol, Touboul, Tovel among other possible variations depending on the country and language of the person.
The root of the name is: tbl
Prefixes attached to the root name such as (aben, iben, abi, avi, ben, bin, abou) denotes usually a relation to a person, i.e., the father of or the son of X, a place, i.e., a person from X, an occupation, i.e., a person who practices a specific occupation.
In the Arab tradition, the prefix 'Abu' means usually 'the father of', a man
is given the prefix 'abu' to identify him as the father of X. 'Abu' may also
indicate a tribal affiliation. The root ‘tbl’ in Arabic refers usually to
'drum,' a popular musical instrument in North Africa but it may mean also
'table.' Thus when the root 'tbl' is part of a name, it may indicate a family
relationship with a drum or table maker or that the person is a musician who
played the drum.
In the Hebrew tradition, the
prefix ‘Avi ‘ denotes patrilineal ancestry, i.e., father of 'tbl' or the
son of 'tbl'. The root ‘tbl’ in Hebrew means ‘to bathe’ or 'to swim.' It may be
an indication to an occupation of a person who took care or owned a public
Bob-Or� (1947-). Morocco. Businessman. Author of Le go�t des confitures.
ABITBOL L�a (XXes.). Morocco. painter.
ABITBOL Michel (1943-).
Morocco. Historian. Author of Les Juifs d’Afrique du Nord sous Vichy
(XXes.). Algeria. Journalist in France.
TEBOUL Victor (1945-). Egypt. Literature professor. Author of Que D’ieu vous
garde de l’homme silencieux quand il se met soudain � parler.
ABITBOL Ch�lomo (?-1815). Morocco.
Rabbi. Author.
ABITBOL Meyer (1944-). Morocco. Rabbi. Chair of ’B�n� Yissakhar Institut' in
ABITBOL Shaoul Y�hochouah ben Itshak (Harav Chicha) (1740-1809). Morocco.
Rabbi. Judge. author of Avn� ch�ch (Marble Stones).
TEBOUL Yossef (Hamah’aravi) (XVIes.). Morocco. Chief Rabbi of Safed. Author of commentaries on the Book of Spendour.
TOUBOUL Ha�m (XXes.). Algeria. Rabbi. Author of a treaty on the feast of Pourim.
Azoulay, Hayim Yossef Shem Hagdolim (the names of the great)
AZOULAY Ha�m Yossef David (Hida) (1724-1807) Ch�m hagu�dolim va�ad lahakhamim (The names of the Great Council of Sages).
Toledano, J. 1983 La saga des familles, Les juifs du Maroc et leurs noms, Editions Stavit, Tel Aviv
Levi, J et. al. 2000 Dictionnaire biographique du monde Juif Sepharade et Mediteranean, Editions Elysee, Montreal.
Laredo A. 1978 Les noms des juifs au Maroc