The meaning of names among Mediterranean Jews
Marc Eliany �
(see also MANSANO)
among other possible variations depending on the country and language of the person.
The root of the name may be 'mn' or 'zmn'
Prefixes attached to the root name such as (aben, iben, abi, avi, ben, bin, abou, a, aj, al, bel, i, me, m, o, wi, vi, ) denotes usually a relation to a person, i.e., the father of or the son of X, a place, i.e., a person from X, an occupation, i.e., a person who practices a specific occupation, a characteristic of a person, i.e., beautiful...
The prefixes al, el are equivalent to 'the' in English or the article 'le' in French.
In the Moroccan Berbers tradition, prefixes such as 'wi' 'vi' 'i' means usually a family relationship to X, the equivalent of Abu in Arabic, i.e., 'the father of', 'son of' a man, a tribal affiliation and so forth.In the Hebrew tradition, the prefix ‘M ‘ is an abbreviation of the word 'from.'
The root ‘zmn’ in Moroccan Berber may refer to the
tribe Ait Izman. Jews affiliated or protected by Ait Izmen may have used
The root ‘mn’ in Hebrew refers to 'mana' a food
provided to the Hebrews during their wandering in the Sinai desert after their
departure from Egypt.
The root ‘zmn’ in Hebrew refers usually to
The names Wiseman (smart man) or Weitzman (white man), common among European Jews, share similarities with some of the names above. European Jews did settle in North Africa from time to time but the likelihood of a relationship between the European version and the Mediterranean names is not likely but not excluded.
The name Manor is a recent Hebrew adaptation (although Dan Manor's family name was Lugassy before the change to Manor).
Mat�o (1547?-1615). Spain. Marrano.lived in Mexico. Doctor. Author of Guzm�n
de Alfarache.
Y�chaia (XVIIIe-XIXes.).Turkey. Community leader. Founded a transition home
in Jaffa for pilgrims and immigrants to Jerusalem/Palestine.
Joseph (1801-1860). Italy. Poet.
ALMANSI Dante (?-1948). Italy. Judge. Jewish community leader in Italy duting
(1869-1948). Italy. Physicist. Mathematician.Contributed to the developement
of the theory of elasticity.
Aaron (1947-). Morocco. Linguistics Professor in Jerusalem. Co-author of Les
juifs d�Afrique du Nord en Isra�l de rabbi Ha�m Benattar � nos jours.
MAMANE Moch� (?-1783). Morocco. Rabbi. Merchant. Court
counsellor and banker. Philantrope.
MAMANE Rapha�l (1810-1882). Morocco. Rabbi. Chief of
the rabbical court in Safed. Author of Marp� lan�f�ch (Healing the soul).
MAMANE Yossef (Elmograbi) (1725-1823). Morocco. Rabbi.
Established Jewish education in Boukhara. Founder of the Zionist organization
Hibat Tsion. Led immigration from Boukhara to Jerusalem and the construction
of the Boukhara quarter in Jerusalem.
MAMANE Yossef (XIXes.). Morocco. Originaire du Maroc
(Sefrou). Rabbin, il est l�auteur de Ch�t� yadot (Deux mesures) qui comprend
Yad rama (Main �tendue) un ensemble de responsa et Yad harachim (La main des
pauvres), des hom�lies.
MANI �liyahou ben Sliman (1818-1899). Iraq. Rabbi. Founder of a Yeshiva in H�bron Author of Zikhronot Eliyahou (Memories of Eliahu).
WIZEMANE Shemouel (XVIII) Morocco. Chief rabbi of Mogador (Essaouira).
Azoulay, Hayim Yossef Shem Hagdolim (the names of the great)
AZOULAY Ha�m Yossef David (Hida) (1724-1807) Ch�m hagu�dolim va�ad lahakhamim (The names of the Great Council of Sages).
Levi, J et. al. 2000 Dictionnaire biographique du monde Juif Sepharade et Mediteranean, Editions Elysee, Montreal.
Toledano, J. 1983 La saga des familles, Les juifs du Maroc et leurs noms, Editions Stavit, Tel Aviv
Laredo A. 1978 Les noms des juifs au Maroc (Madrid, 1978)