The meaning of names among Mediterranean Jews
Marc Eliany
among other possible variations depending on the country and language of the person.
Bouzaglo is represented here by rabbis, a filmmaker, a poet and educators of
Moroccan origin, probably from the Dra' region in Southern Morocco.
The name consists of a complex prefix made of two
elements abou/bou = father which implies lineage and the root 'zaglo' = rod
or perch in Arabic. It means also 'yoke' in Berber. It may refer to yoke making
for farming. It may be an ancient Aramaec name composed of 'zag' = teller and
'lo'= him, a story teller or educator.
Prefixes attached
to the root name such as (aben, iben, abe, abi, abou, aboul, avi, am, ben, bin,
abou, a, aj, al, bel, even, ha, i, la, lel, me, m, o, wi, vi, ) denotes usually
a relation to a person, i.e., the father of or the son of X, a place, i.e.,
a person from X, an occupation, i.e., a person who practices a specific occupation,
a characteristic of a person, i.e., beautiful... The prefixes al, el are equivalent
to 'the' in English or the article 'le' in French. In the Moroccan Berbers tradition,
prefixes such as 'wi' 'vi' 'i' means usually a family relationship to X, the
equivalent of Abu in Arabic, i.e., 'the father of', 'son of' a man, a tribal
affiliation and so forth.In
the Hebrew tradition, the prefix ‘M ‘ is an abbreviation of
the word 'from.'
prefixes such as 'Ab e' in the name Ab E Rgel consist of two elements Ab=father
and E=the.
such as 'an' or 'in' denote affiliation or a characteristic in Aramaec.
such as 'a' characterize ancient Hebrew names, i.e., AviHatsir'a'
such as oulah, oulay, ilah, ily, el, eli are used in Hebrew and Arabic to associate
a name with God' blessing.
Suffixes such as 'illo' 'ano' 'ino'
Suffixes such as 'oun' 'on' 'yout' 'out' characterize adjectives in Hebrew,
for example: Hayoun, hayout...
Ch�lomo (XIXes.). Palestine. Zionist activist. Educator at Alliance Isra�lite
Universelle in Ha�fa and the Middle East. Founder of the Sepharadi section of
the Histadrut in Haifa, Israel.
Ha�m (XXes.). Israel. Professor of literature and theatre studies. Screen writer
and filmmaker: Un mariage fictif ; Le temps des cerises; the summer
of Avia.
BOUZAGLO Chalom (XIXes.). Morroco. Rabbi. Kabalist
in Palestine. Settled in London. Author of Mikdach m�l�kh (The King's
sanctuary), Hadrat m�l�kh (the king's splendour); Kiss� m�l�kh
(the king's thronel); Hod m�l�kh (The king's majesty) and K�vod m�lekh
(the king's honor).
BOUZAGLO David (1902-1975). Morocco (Zaouia).
Rabbi, educator, linguist, poet, lithurgy singer, paytan in Morocco and Israel.
Adapted Jewishpoetry to Andalousian musique.
BOUZAGLO Mord�kha� (XVes.). Morocco. Rabbi. Kabalist
in the Dra' region. Worked with Rabbi Ha�m Vital in Safed, Palestine. Author
of Mah�yanot hokhmah (Springs of wisdom).
ABEHSSERA Chalom S�f�r youhassin (Genealogy Registers).
Azoulay, Hayim Yossef Shem Hagdolim (the names of the great)
AZOULAY Ha�m Yossef David (Hida) (1724-1807) Ch�m hagu�dolim va�ad lahakhamim (The names of the Great Council of Sages).
Levi, J et. al. 2000 Dictionnaire biographique du monde Juif Sepharade et Mediteranean, Editions Elysee, Montreal.
Toledano, J. 1983 La saga des familles, Les juifs du Maroc et leurs noms, Editions Stavit, Tel Aviv
Laredo A. 1978 Les noms des juifs au Maroc (Madrid, 1978)