Marc Eliany
Gates of Welcome
de la tolérance
My ancestors lived in the Maghreb for many centuries.
In our collective memory, this land is associated with shelter and warm
neighborly relations, in spite of trying times. This fact was confirmed time
and time again. In my own pilgrimages to Morocco, I am welcomed like a brother
returning from a long trip.
Open doors and windows, in typical vivid Moroccan
colors, convey in my work welcome and warmth,
self-examination and yearning for tolerance.
Gates of Welcome in Red Oil on canvas, 1993, Vienna (70 x 100 cm)
L'arche de la tolérance Huile sur toile, 1993, Vienne (70 x 100 cm) |
L'arche de la tolérance
Marc Eliany
Les portes et les
fenêtres ouvertes, aux couleurs vives typiquement marocaines, sont un message
d’accueil et de chaleur, le regard sur soi-même et le désir de tolérance. Pendant
plusieurs siècles, mes ancêtres ont vécu dans le Maghreb. Dans notre mémoire
collective, cette terre est associée au refuge, aux relations chaleureuses,
malgré l’expérience de périodes difficiles. Au Maroc, je suis le bienvenu, tel
un frère revenant d'un long voyage.
Tower in Yellow and Red Oil on canvas, 1993, Vienna (70 x 90 cm)
Tour en jaune et rouge Huile sur toile, 1993, Vienne (70 x 90 cm) |
In Waves
Marc Eliany
In waves, my ancestors found their way to the Maghreb. They were
merchants in boats sailing along the coast of Africa, warriers chasing fleeing
Canaanites but mostly refugees escaping the persecution of Egyptians, Persians,
Babylonians, Greeks,Romans, Arabs and Christians. And wave after wave, in spite
of reoccuring hardship, they made the Maghreb their home.
Gates of Welcome in Turquoise and White Oil on canvas, 1993, Vienna (70 x 90 cm)
L'arche de la tolérence
en blanc Huile sur toile, 1993, Vienne (70 x 90 cm) |
My house in ruins
Marc Eliany
Drink up,
My love.
Fill my cup!
Let me drink
My sorrow.
For my house
Is in ruins
And the heavens
Remain still.
Gates of Welcome in Red on Yellow Oil on canvas, 1993, Vienna (70 x 90 cm)
L'arche de la tolérence
en rouge et jaune Huile sur toile, 1993, Vienne
(70 x 90 cm) |
Red like my tears
Marc Eliany
Like my tears
For my loss
For my beloved
In ruins.
The Refuge Oil on canvas, 1993, Vienna (70 x 90 cm)
Le refuge Huile sur toile, 1993, Vienne
(70 x 90 cm) |