Drug Abuse in the Global Village

Drug Abuse in Western Europe


A total of 1,990 seizures were made in Austria in 1990, of which cannabis type drugs (320.5 kg), heroin (72.4 kg), cocaine (41.2 kg), raw opium (7.8 kg) and poppy straw (7.5 kg). Minor quantities of LSD, amphetamines and various medical drugs were also seized (Austria 1991).


Most seizures made in Belgium involve cannabis (more than 6,000 kilos in 1991), followed by heroin (1,732 seizures, 186 kg), cocaine (513 seizures, total 756 kg) hallucinogens (455 seizures, 2,454 kg, 75,812 units) and depressants (120 seizures, 0.54 kg, 1,020 units). Other drugs seized were LSD (2,417 units), synthetic narcotics, opium and morphine (U.N. 1991).


The number of drug traffickers arrested in 1990 increased by 10 per cent from the previous years, but the quantities of drugs seized went up significantly (1,844 kg of cocaine, up 50 per cent from 1989, heroin (405 kgs, up 37 per cent) and cannabis (21,289 kg, up 76 per cent from 1989) considerably increased since 1989. Quantities of opium seized and morphine remain low (4.979 kg and 0.855 kg respectively) (see table 2) (Statistiques 1990).

Table 2  Seizures of illicit drugs 1984 to 1986
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                     }
1984                1985                1986
Opium (Kg)                  4.766               4.661               5.142
Morphine base (kg)                              5.200
Morphine (kg)              5.015               0.386               0.003
Heroin (kg)                   208.756           277.586           219.509
Cocaine (kg)                122.436           95.960             257.509
LSD (doses)                 28,389             1,1088             11,258
Cannabis herb
 (kg)                             9,041.839        2,725.900        1,282.394
Cannabis resin
 (kg)                             22,380.533      5,508.052        12,477.940
Cannabis oil
 (kg)                             53.510             13.862             16.397

Table 2 (contd....)  Seizures of illicit drugs 1987 to 1988
1987                            1988
Opium (Kg)      3.191               2.378
Morphine base (kg)                  8.000
Morphine (kg)  0.062               0.122
Heroin (kg)       213.374               221.207
Cocaine (kg)    754.090               592.797
LSD (doses)     13,766             7,350
Cannabis herb
 (kg)                 1,035.886            6,222.211
Cannabis resin
 (kg)                 11,566.386          18,185.481
Cannabis oil
 (kg)                 10.981             17.123
Table 2 (contd....)  Seizures of illicit drugs 1989 to 1990
1989                            1990
Opium (Kg)      3.758                   4.979
Morphine base (kg)        
Morphine (kg)  0.548                   0.855
Heroin (kg)       295.424               405.156
Cocaine (kg)    938.670               1,844.606
LSD (doses)     12,124                 30,669
Cannabis herb
 (kg)                 1,628.155             453.761
Cannabis resin
 (kg)                 16,204.298          21,289.253
Cannabis oil
 (kg)                 19.431                 10.564

Source: Statistiques 1990.


In 1990, 4,655 kg of cannabis resin and 8,985 kg herbal cannabis were seized (11,641 kg and 432 kg respectively in 1989). Heroin seizures increased to 847 kg (727 kg in 1989) and cocaine seizures totaled 2,474 kg (1,406 kg in 1989). Other reported seizures in 1990 were 44 kg opium (25 kg in 1989), 85 kg amphetamine (67 kg in 1989) and 14,332 LSD doses (10,574 in 1989) (U.N. 1990).

Cannabis and heroin seizures exceed by far cocaine seizures (see table 1 for details). In addition 2 seizures totaling 0.053 kg of stimulants were reported for 1991 (U.N. 1991). Heroin seizures in 1990 decreased significantly in comparison to 1989, whereas the quantity of cocaine seized is constantly increasing.

Table 1. Number of illicit drug seizures and quantities seized in 1990.
Illicit drugs                    Number of        Quantity seized
                               1990         1991                1990                            1991
Heroin                   133            175            0.527 kg                            9.988 kg
Coca leaves                4            1              0.090 kg                            0.200 kg
Coca paste                  1            -               1.000 kg                            -
Cocaine                       32        67             23.260 kg                          14.200 kg
Cannabis herb            46        85             18.750 kg                          1.040 kg
Cannabis resin           147      205            13.750 kg                          22.568 kg
LSD                            1            2              2.000 units                         2,651 units
Morphine                    1          -                 0.460 kg                            -
Methadone                 1          -                 0.565 kg                            -
Sources: National Report of Luxembourg to the First Pan-European Conference on the co-operation in Drug abuse Problems, Oslo, 9-10 May 1991 for 1990 data and Reply to UNDCP Annual Reports Questionnaire for the year 1991.


Cocaine seizures increased significantly between 1988 (517 kg) and 1991 (2,492 kg), in spite of some fluctuation. Heroin seizures remained stable for the same period. Cannabis seizures increased from 60 tonnes in 1988 to 96 tonnes in 1991. Amphetamine seizures have almost tripled since 1990 (about 500 kg per year) (see table 2). Police efforts led to the detection of clandestine amphetamine laboratories in 1990 and to the dismantling of manufacturing and exportation organizations (Ministry of Welfare et al. 1991).

Table 2. Type and amounts of seized drugs in the Netherlands from 1988 to 1991.
1988    1989    1990    1991
Heroin (kg)       510      492      532      406
Cocaine (kg)    517      1,425   4,288   2,492
 (kg)                 53        65        47        128
LSD (dosages) 468      8,075   5,146   1,630
MDMA (kg)    -           0.750   0.322   0.700
                                    and       and
                                    930,000           48 tablets
Cannabis (kg)   68,238 42,315 109,762     96,292
Source: National Criminal Intelligence Service for 1988 to 1990; for 1991,
Country report of the Netherlands to the Meeting of Heads of National Narcotics Bureaus, Lyon, May 1992.


Most seizures in 1991 relate to cannabis type drugs (22 plants, 0.166 kg resin), followed by cocaine (0.007 kg) and heroin (0.002 kg) and hallucinogens (5 units) (U.N. 1991).


Cannabis makes up the bulk of drugs seized in Switzerland (almost 2.5 tonnes in 1992), followed by cocaine (329.9 kg in 1992), heroin (243.3 kg in 1992), amphetamines (1 kg in 1992) and LSD (902 units in 1992) (see table 4 for 1986 to 1992 seizures) (Police 1990, 1991, 1992).


Table 4.  Seizures of illicit drugs 1986 to 1992.
Year     Heroin       Cannabis     Cocaine     Amphetamine          LSD                                                                
            (kg)           (kg)             (kg)            (kg)                        (doses)
1986    81.6          377.8          101.9         0                            933
1987    69.9          597.4          112.9         0.024                     5,290
1988    42.9          1,230          226.1         0.726                     1,705
1989    50.4          883.2          306.1         0.353                     1,492
1990    186.2        513.8          339.3         14.8                       2,207
1991    81             838.2          333.4         0.025                     752
1992    243.3        2,434.8       329.9         1                            902
Source: Statistique Suisse des Stupיfiants, 1990, 1991 and 1992, Ministטre Public de la Confederation, Bureau Central Suisse de la Police.