Drug Abuse in the Global Village
Drug Abuse in Asia
National Strategies in the Pacific Region


Australia expressed strong support to UNDCP efforts to strengthen international cooperative efforts and encouraged it to "influence the broader direction of policy, both inside and outside the UN system". It further, proposed to encourage partnerships in order to implement the ratification and implementation of the conventions (Australia 1992).

In general, NCADA adopted a comprehensive strategy which combine prevention activities, early identification, early intervention and a mix of treatment approaches deliv­ered by government and non-government agencies (Australia 1993).

Cooperation between law enforcement agencies such as the Australian Bureau of Criminal Intelligence (ABCI), the Australian Federal Police (AFP), the National Crime Authority (NCA), and the Australian Customs Service (ACS) aim to exchange information which targets drug offenders and in particular major traffickers (Department of Health 1992).


The national strategy of drug abuse control in Fiji is reported to be based on both supply reduction and demand reduction activities (Fiji 1993).

The national enforcement agencies involved in activities to reduce availability of illicit drugs are the Fiji Police and the Customs and Exercise Departments. The enforcement section of the Pharmaceutical Division of the Ministry of Health is responsible for the control of illicit drugs, especially psychotropic substances (Fiji 1991).

No information reported by 31st December 1993.

No information reported by 31st December 1993.

No information reported by 31st December 1993.

Measures for the control of drugs are embodied in the Food and Drug Act 1969, the Poisons Act 1960, and the Narcotics Act 1965, with their regulations (New Zealand 1973).

Discussions were reported going on whether to restrict the sale of codeine-containing analgesics, as these are used to manufacture "homebake", a type of heroin (ARQ 1992).

The National Narcotics Control Board, established in 1992, is the overall coordinating body to address all aspects of the drug abuse problem (Papua New Guinea 1993). Its Secretariat, the National Narcotics Bureau (NNB) is responsible, inter alia, for conducting surveys to gather and evaluate information on the consumption, cultivation, trafficking, manufacture and convictions of persons for drug related offences. Plans to carry out studies to collect data were reported canceled in 1993 due to lack of funds (ESCAP 1993).

Solomon Islands does not have an independent body for drug abuse control (Pacific 1993). The Police and Customs enforce the drug abuse laws (Solomon 1993).

Solomon Islands is working closely with the Australian and New Zealand Police and Customs on exchange of information on trafficking. "Project Cook" was set up with the active role of the U.S. Customs (Solomon 1993).

No information reported by 31st December 1993.

The Narcotics Act 1967 deals with narcotics drugs. The Food and Drugs Act 1967 consolidates the sale of food and drugs. The growth of cannabis sativa and other wild plants are prohibited (Samoa 1993).

The Police and Customs officials are responsible for the curtailment of drug trafficking and eradication of cannabis sativa plantations. The Health Department controls the dispensing and movement of controlled drugs (Samoa 1993).

Through taxation, prices are increased to reduce drug consumption. Advertising and promotional activities on drugs are regulated and restricted (Samoa 1993).