Drug Abuse in the Global Village
Drug Abuse in the Americas

Regional Variation in Drug Abuse in Central America

Most cocaine abusers are reported to come from the capital and from urban and coastal regions. Cannabis abusers come from both urban and semi-rural regions. Abusers of inhalants are mostly children from urban and marginal populations (U.N. 1988).


No information reported in Annual Reports Questionnaire by 31st December 1993.


Use of cannabis, cocaine and inhalants is an urban problem according to a PAHO report (PAHO 1990).


In the rural and marginal urban areas, there is less knowledge but also less control of psychotropic substances (PAHO 1990).


An increase in drug abuse was observed in the capital city, in cities bordering the United States and tourist centers (U.N. 1991).

            According to a National Survey, the regions with the highest abuse are the central region (Hidalgo, Guanajuato, Mexico, Morelos, Puebla, Tlaxcala and Queretaro) with 21 per cent, and the south central region (Guerrero Michoacan, Oaxaca and Veracruz) with 18 per cent (Mexico 1992).

            Most of the cocaine and cannabis seized in 1991 was in the northern border. The biggest amount of opiate was seized in the pacific border (Mexican Efforts in Drug Control 1992).


Most cases of drug abuse are reported in Panama City and most treatment facilities are also located there (PAHO 1990).