Drug Abuse in the Global Village
Drug Abuse in the Americas

National Strategies relating to Drug Control in Latin America

The National Commission Against Drug Trafficking and Drug Abuse coordinates all efforts in the campaign against drugs. The Ministry of Health and Social Action sets standards for the production and marketing of pharmaceutical products, pursuant to the 1961 and 1971 Conventions (PAHO 1990).


Measures to reduce illicit demand are led by National Board on Drug Abuse Prevention, Treatment, Rehabilitation and Social Reinsertion (DINAPRE), Educational Campaign Against Drugs (CESE) and SEAMOS, a private sector organization (CMO 1991).

            Prevention, treatment and rehabilitation programmes target the general population, as well as populations at risk such as street children (CMO 1991).

            The 1988 Coca and Controlled Substance Law regulates production, distribution and commercialization of coca, as well as the sales of precursors, trafficking and consumption of controlled substances. In addition, it contains a plan for the gradual and progressive substitution of illegal coca cultivations (U.N. 1991).


National legislation has been enacted to regulate the production, trafficking, and use of drugs. There are no reports of coordination at the national level to address the problem of drug abuse (PAHO 1990).


The National Council for the Control of Drugs, headed by the Minister of the Interior, was created to advise the President with regard to coordination at the national level. Various public and private organizations take part in the control of drug demand and supply (CND 1991).


Significant efforts are directed to the reduction of supply and demand, but a national strategy was not reported (U.N. 1992).


The National Council for Control of Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances (CONSEP) is responsible for primary prevention, as well as coordination and supervision of all supply and demand reduction activities conducted by public and private institutions. It coordinates activities of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Well-being, Ministry of Defence and the Federal Police. The government coordinates prevention plans, formulates policies and delivers most of the treatment and social rehabilitation services to abusers (U.N. 1992).


No information reported in Annual Reports Questionnaire by 31st December 1993.


The Organic Law on Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances of 1984 consists of 198 articles and six sections covering general provisions, administrative order, crimes and consumption of regulated substances, as well as the establishment of the National Commission Against the Illegal Use of Drugs (CONACUID) (PAHO 1990). The CONACUID launched a National Plan on Drug Questions (PNO/CD), aimed at reducing drug abuse and problems associated with drug trafficking (CP 1991).