Drug Abuse in the Global Village
Cannabis Abuse in America

Extent of Cannabis Abuse in the Caribbean

Cannabis is reported the most abused drug according to a survey of adults living in New Providence and Grand Bahamas. The estimated annual prevalence of cannabis is 2.3 per cent and daily abuse is estimated at 0.9 per cent* (ARQ 1990). Cannabis is also reported as the most prevalent drug of abuse in schools, with "ever" abuse estimated at about 8.2 per cent (* School Survey 1987).

According to a study in emergency rooms in 1993: cannabis with lifetime ("ever") prevalence estimated at (1 per cent) (CICAD 1993). In a similar study in detention centers, cannabis with lifetime prevalence estimated at (9 per cent) (CICAD 1993).

Cannabis abuse is reported widespread throughout all social classes and all ages, but no estimates are available (ARQ 1990).

Extent of Cannabis Abuse in Central America

According to a 1988 study of the Institute on Alcoholism and Drug Dependency (IAFA), 35 per cent of the population has abused drugs at least once in their lives. The drug reported most abused is cannabis (9.1 per cent) (* CICAD 1993).  Drug abuse is much higher among high risk groups as indicated by studies conducted in emergency rooms and detention centers. Analgesics are the most abused drug, according to a 1993 study among 1496 patients treated in emergency rooms, with an estimated Life ("ever"abuse) prevalence of 97 per cent. Other drugs abused include cannabis (7.2 per cent) (* CICAD 1993).

Table 1. Life Prevalence of Illicit Drug Abuse among Emergency Room Patients, 1992- 1993.

Substance Abused

Life Prevalence, 1992

Life Prevalence, 1993




Source: CICAD, 1993.

The same study was conducted in a detention center in San Sebastian (male population only). The most abused illicit drug was also analgesics, with an estimate of 84.5 per cent life prevalence, followed by cannabis (67 per cent) (* CICAD 1993).  Abuse is reported higher in 1993 than in 1992 and there are more drug abusers reported among detainees than among emergency room patients (* CICAD 1993). Drug registry data for 1991 indicate indicates that there were 273 persons registered. Cannabis is the most abused drug (30 per cent) among those registered (ARQ 1992).

Cannabis is the next most abused drug. About 17 per cent of the population reported ever abusing it, 3 per cent are current abusers, 18 per cent are males, 9 per cent are females. Almost half of the current abusers smoke cannabis daily, and 30 per cent at least once a week (FUNDASALVA 1991).  Prevalent drug abused in emergency rooms cannabis (7 per cent and 2 per cent) (CICAD 1993).

According to a 1990 survey in 3 urban centers, on people 12-45 years of age. Cannibis was the next most prevalent (7 per cent and 3 per cent respectively) (CICAD 1993). Among emergency room patients, cannabis is the prevalent drugs abused (3.4 per cent) (CICAD 1993). Marijuana is reported the most abused drug (50 per cent), according to a study on the population between 11-18 years of age, carried out in 1983. The study indicated that most abusers are males (90 per cent)  (ARQ 1991).

Cannabis is reported the prevalent drugs abused among emergency rooms patients (4 per cent) (CICAD 1993).  Cannabis is also reported the  prevalent drugs abused among arrestees in detention centers  30 per cent (CICAD 1993). According to a study with secondary school students in 1988, "ever" prevalence of cannabis abuse is about 5.1 per cent and 0.6 per cent for cocaine (CICAD 1993). A 1987 study conducted among young people in two rehabilitation centers showed that 51 per cent of the interviewees had some history of drug abuse (PAHO 1990).

According to a National Addiction Survey, 692,500 persons, or about 4.8 per cent of the urban population, ever abused some type of drug (abused = 6 times or more in a lifetime). Ever abuse for specific drugs is as follows :  marijuana 38,800 or 5 per cent (see table 1) (* Mexico 1992).

Table 1. Individuals Who Have Ever* Consumed Drugs

Total # of
abusers *



Age of













* 6 or More Times in a lifetime
** Percentage of the whole population.
Source: Direccion General de Epidemiologia, SSA. Instituto Mexicano de Psiquiaria. 1992

According to a National Poll on Addiction, 40 million persons have abused drugs on some occasion (JPRS 1991).

Lifetime prevalence in emergency rooms is estimated at cannabis (7.6 per cent) (CICAD 1993).  Lifetime prevalence in detention centre is estimated: cannabis (13.2 per cent) (CICAD 1993).

Extent of Cannabis Abuse in South America

Little statistical data is available in regard to the prevalence of drug abuse. Annual Reports Questionnaire (ARQ) key informants report that the most important drugs abused are cannabis (ARQ 1988).

A 1991 study on illicit drug use among school and university students shows: drugs abused include: cannabis (2.38 per cent), (CONAPRE 1991).

According to a students study in 10 state capitals in 1989, with an estimated prevelance of cannabis (3.4 per cent) (* Ministry of Health 1990).
Cannabis with annual prevalence estimated at 28 per cent, and daily abuse estimated at 12 per cent, among street children (ARQ 1988).
According to a poll taken by the Sao Paulo School of Medicine in the country's 10 largest capitals, one out of every four students (first and secondary level) has already smoked cannabis or sniffed cocaine at least once in his/her life (* Ministry of Health and Ministry of Justice 1989).
The studies reported by Brazilian sources appear to focus on high risk drug abusers and students. Their findings, although indicating concern relating to drug abuse in Brazil, should be interpreted with caution due to high variability.

Cannabis is reported as the most abused drug in Chile, with an annual prevalence estimated at 7.6 per cent (1.022.239 cases) and daily abuse at 4 per cent (557.668 cases). Abuse is more prevalent among males (69 per cent) than females (31 per cent), and prevelance is highest among those between 18-25 years of age (ARQ 1991). An estimated 18 per cent of the Chilean population has abused drugs at least once in their lives. Among them, 6.3 per cent are considered of high risk, and 3.2 per cent show derivative damage (CND 1991).

Cannabis is the most prevalent drug abused in Colombia. Annual abuse is estimated at 0.4 per cent, according to a 1993 study of the Santa fe Foundation and the Direccion Nacional de Estupefacientes (DNE) (ARQ 1992). According to a national household survey, "ever" abuse prevalence of cannabis, cocaine, "basuco" (coca paste) and opiates is estimated at 5.9 per cent (or 1.4 million persons). The highest level of ever abuse is higher for men (11.4 per cent) than women (1.9 per cent) (* National Household Survey 1993). Ever abuse of cannabis is the highest (5.3 per cent). Males abusers (10.4 per cent) exceed female (1.7 per cent) abusers  (* National Household Survey 1993). According to a study on drug consumption among secondary school students, 8.7 per cent abuse psychoactive substances. Of all abusers, 70 per cent abused drugs several times over their lifetime, 4 per cent abused drugs for a period of six months and 16 per cent consumed during two years or more. The most abused drugs were tranquilizers (69 per cent), marijuana (30 per cent), cocaine and "basuco" (coca paste) (19 per cent each). Most of the abusers were male, aged between 16 and 21 years (46 per cent) (CMO 1990). About 78 per cent of the prison population consume drugs and 38 per cent are considered drug dependent. Male abusers (78 per cent) exceed females (13 per cent) (ARQ 1992).

Cannabis (4.2 per cent) is the most prevalent drugs abused in Ecuador according to a representative random sample of the Ecuador population. Abuse of cannabis abuse is more prevalent among men (93 per cent) than women (7 per cent).(table 1 and La Farmacodependencia en el Ecuador 1992).

Table 1. Drug Abusers in a Random Sample of the Population, 1992.


Total            % of the                    population




253              4.2

 N= 6081
Source: La Farmacodependencia en el Ecuador. Ministerio de Salud Publica, UNDCP, 1992.

Cannabis is the most abused drug in Uruguay, according to police detention records, with annual abuse estimated lower than 1 per cent (ARQ 1991).

Analgesics are the most abused drug according to a study, conducted in 1988, of the population over 12 years of age. Abuse in the six months prior to the study is estimated at about 8.3 per cent, followed by cannabis (5.6 per cent) (Galicia, 1988).

Table 1. Drug abuse by type and frequency in Venezuela in 1988.

Type of Drug

Last Six Months







* Abuse in the last 30 days.
Occasionally: up to seven times a week.
Daily: every day.
Source: Plan Autonomico Drogodependencia, Galicia, 1988.

References and Notes

ARQ 1990. Reply to Annual Reports Questionnaire.

* School Survey 1987. in "Bahamas Government, Ministry of Health, Review Document, 1990-1991" Ministry of Health. Nassau. 1991.

CICAD 1993. Drug Surveillance in Central America, Panama, and Dominican Republic. Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse. CICAD/OAS/PAHO,1993.

ARQ 1990 Reply to UNDCP Annual Reports Questionnaire for the year 1990.

ARQ 1992. Reply to UNDCP Annual Reports Questionnaire for the year 1992. 

* CICAD 1993. Drug Surveillance System in Central America, Panama, and Dominican Republic. Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse. CICAD/OAS/PAHO, 1993.


CICAD 1993. Drug Surveillance in Central America, Panama and Dominican Republic. Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse. CICAD/OAS/PAHO, 1993).

FUNDASALVA 1991. Conocimentos, Actitudes, y Practicas sobre Drogaa y Drogadiccion en Poblacion General Entre 15 y 54 Aסos del Area Metropolitana de San Salvador. Comunicaciones Cientificas de la Fundacion Antidrogas de El Salvador, FUNDASALVA. vol.1, San Salvador, El Salvador, 1991.


ARQ 1991. Reply to UNDCP Annual Reports Questionnaire for the year 1991. 

CICAD 1993. Drug Surveillance in Central America, Panama, and Dominican Republic. Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse. CICAD/OAS/PAHO, 1993.


CICAD 1993. First Report of the Inter American Data Bank to the CICAD.

PAHO 1990. Epidemiologic Report on the Use and Abuse of Psychoactive Substances in 16 Countries of Latin america and the Caribbean. Bulletin of the Pan American Health Organization, Special Report. vol.24, no.1, 1990.


JPRS 1991. Foreign Broadcast Information Service. JPRS Report Narcotics. 14 May 1991. Latin America. (JPRS-TDD-91-020-L).

* Mexico 1992. "Drug Control in Mexico: A Comprehensive Program 1989-1994. Summary". Office of the Attorney General. Government of Mexico. 1992.


CICAD 1993. Drug Surveillance in Central America, Panama, and Dominican Republic. Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse. CICAD/OAS/PAHO, 1993).


ARQ 1988. Reply to UNDCP Annual Reports Questionnaire for the year 1988. 


CONAPRE 1991. El Uso Indebido de Drogas en Bolivia: Estudio realizado en Poblacion Estudiantil Urbana. Direccion Nacional de Prevencion integral del uso indebido de Drogas, Tratamiento, Rehabilitacion y reinsercion social. Departamento de Investigacion. La Paz. 1991.


ARQ 1988 Reply to UNDCP Annual Reports Questionnaire.

* Ministry of Health 1990. Carlini, E.A., Carlini-Cotrim,Beatriz, and Nappo, Solange A. "Illicit Use of Psychotropic Drugs in Brazilian Cities: 1987-1989". Proceedings of the Community Epidemiology Work Group, Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse. U.S. Department of Health and Human Servives, Division of Epidemiology and Prevention Research. Rockville, Maryland. June 1990.

* Ministry of Health and Ministry of Justice, 1989. Psychotropic Drugs Consumption in Brazil in 1987. Centre de Documentacao do Ministerio da Saude. Brasilia. 1989


ARQ 1991. Reply to UNDCP Annual Reports Questionnaire in 1991. 
CND 1991. Commission on Narcotic Drugs 1991 Speech of the Chilean Under-Secretary of the Interior, May, 1991, (Inofficial Translation).

ARQ 1992. Replies to UNDCP Annual Reports Questionnaire (1992). 
CMO 1990. Reply to UNDCP questionnaire concerning the seven targets of the Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Outline of Future Activities in Drug Abuse Control (CMO) (1990).

* National Household Survey 1993. Ospina,Edgar Rodriguez, Ramirez, Luis Fernando Duque, and Garcia, Jesus Rodriguez. National Household Survey of Drug Abuse 1993 Highlights. Santafe de Bogota, Colombia. March 1993.


La Farmacodependencia en el Ecuador 1992. Z, Dr. Enrique Aguilar. La Farmacodependencia en El Ecuador: Factores de Reisgo. Ministerio de Salud Publica and UNDCP. Quito. March 1992.


ARQ 1991. Reply to Annual Reports Questionnaire (1991). 


Galicia 1988. Xunta de Galicia 1988 Plan Autonomico Dorgodependencia. Direccion Xeral de Saude Publica, Conselleria de Sanidade, Xunta de Galicia, 1988.