Drug Abuse in the Global Village

References and Notes for Regional Reports in Africa

Burkina Faso
U.N. 1989,1990,1991, 1993. Replies to the UNDCP "Annual Reports Questionnaires" for the years 1989,1990,
1991 and 1993. 
CMO 1991. Reply to UNDCP questionnaire concerning the seven targets of the "Comprehensive
Multidisciplinary Outline of Future Activities in Drug Abuse Control" (CMO) 1991. 
La Depeche 1994.  Periodique d'information publie par le service de presse du cabinet. Ouagadougou BF.
no 9 Avril 1994.  "Lutte Contre la Drogue" 
Report 1994.  Definition d'une Politique Nationale de Lutte Contre la Drogue au Burkina Faso. 
Ouagadougou, 22nd, 23rd, and 24th/ Feb./1994.  Comite National de Lutte Contre la Drogue. 1ere Session
Ordinaire Statutaire.  
** The Legal, Administrative and Other Action Taken to Implement the International Drug Control
Treaties section was prepared by the Secretariat of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs based on Annual
Reports Questionnaire for the years 1988-91. 
U.N. 1989, 1991, 1992.  Reply to the UNDCP "Annual Reports Questionnaire" for the years 1989, 1991 and
CEEAC. Technical Committee Communaute Economic des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale. 
Chad. Country Report for Chad. 
CMO 1989. Reply to Secretary General's Questionnaire concerning the seven targets of the "Comprehensive
Multi-Disciplinary Outline of Future Activities in Drug Abuse Control" (CMO) 1989. 
INCB 1993. International Narcotics Control Board 1993. 
Other official sources 1991. Obtained from one or more seizure reports provided by the Government or
from other official sources for the year 1991. 
** The Legal, Administrative and Other Action Taken to Implement the International Drug Control
Treaties section was prepared by the Secretariat of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs based on Annual
Reports Questionnaire for the years 1989-91. 

Cote D'Ivoire
AIDS 1994.  AIDS and the Demography of Africa, United Nations, New York, 1994.  Department for Economic
and Social Information and Policy Analysis. 
U.N. 1989, 1993. Replies to the UNDCP "Annual Reports Questionnaires" for the years 1989 and 1993. 
DAA 1990. Reply to the Drug Abuse Assessment System Field Test Draft for the year 1990. 
INCSR 1993.  International Narcotics Control Strategy Report - April 1993. 
Other official sources 1991, 1992. Obtained from one or more seizure reports provided by the Government
or from other official sources for the years 1991 and 1992. 
Mission 1991.  Rapport de Mission en Cote d'Ivoire 4-10 mars 1991 
Programme des Nations Unies pour le Controle International des Drogues- Fonds pour la Lutte Contre
l'Abuse des Drogues. Thibault le Pichon- Administrateur de Programmes. 
** The Legal, Administrative and Other Action Taken to Implement the International Drug Control
Treaties section was prepared by the Secretariat of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs based on  Annual
Reports Questionnaire for the years 1988-89, 1991, 1993. 
Al Kott 1991.  "Drug and Substances Abuse Among Egyptian Workers- Model Programmes for the Prevention
of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Workers and their Families". 
U.N. 1989a, 1990, 1992. Replies to the UNDCP "Annual Reports Questionnaire" for the years 1989, 1990 and
U.N. 1989b. Replies to the UNDCP "Annual Reports Questionnaires", 1989. Field Test Draft, 1990. 
Gad et. al., 1989.  "Drug Information News and Highlights".  Gad Z., Geneidi A.S., Faltas S.S. (Eds)
1989, volume 7, numbers 1-4, , The Egyptian Pharmaco Information Centre.  
INCSR 1993.  International Narcotics Control Strategy Report.  United States Department of State. 
Bureau of International Narcotics Matters.   April 1993. 
Other 1990, 1991. Obtained from one or more seizure reports provided by the Government or from other
official sources for the years 1990 through 1991. 
SPF 1993.  UNDCP Subregional Programme Framework.  North Africa. 8 September 1993. 
UNDCP CPF 1993.  UNDCP Country Programme Framework. EGYPT.  September 21st, 1993. 
** The Legal, Administrative and Other Action Taken to Implement the International Drug Control
Treaties section was prepared by the Secretariat of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs based on Annual
Reports Questionnaires for the years 1988-92. 
U.N. 1991, 1992.  Seizures figures were taken from the reply to the "Annual Report Questionnaire", part
III for the years 1991 and 1992. 
U.N. 1993.  Reply to the UNDCP "Annual Reports Questionnaire" for the year 1993. 
Canada 1992.  Special Report on Khat Prepared by Canada Customs.  January 1992. 
EFDR 1993.  Paper Presented on Expert Forum on Drugs Demand Reduction Workshop.  Nairobi, Kenya, 1- 5
November, 1993.  by Assefa Beyene.  also: Report of the Expert Forum on Demand Reduction in East and
Southern Africa  (this report has not been formally edited) Nairobi, Kenya, 1-5 November, 1993. 
Forum 1993.  "Country Profile on Demand Reduction Forum in East and Southern Africa".  September, 1993.
INCSR 1993.  International Narcotics Control Strategy Report.  United States Department of State,
Bureau of International Narcotics Matters.  April 1993. 
Mission 1994.  "Mission to Ethiopia".  9-19 October 1994.  by George M. King, UNDCP Regional Law
Enforcement Adviser.  Nairobi, Kenya. 
Report 1991.  "Abuse of Drugs and Illicit Trafficking in Ethiopia". 1991. 
** The Legal, Administrative and Other Action Taken to Implement the International Drug Control
Treaties section was prepared by the Secretariat of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs based on Annual
Reports Questionnaire for the years 1988-91, 1993. 

CEEAC 1990.  "Projet de creation d'un Centre de Soins et de reinsertion pour les toxicomanes au Gabon
(CERTA)". Premier seminaire des Pays de la CEEAC sur la Drogue.  Libreville, Gabon 3-8 December 1990. 
Gabon 1992a.  "Presentation de la Situation de la Drogue au Gabon".  Premiere Reunion du Comite
Technique de Lutte Anti-Drogue.  24- 30 Novembre 1992.  Brazzaville (CONGO). 
Gabon 1992b.  "Commission des Stupefiants, 35eme Session".  Vienne, 6-15 Avril 1992.   
HONLEA 1993.  "Report of Gabon to the Sixth Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies
(HONLEA), Africa".  Abidjan, 24-28 May, 1993. 
MOD 1992.  "Official transmission between the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Health".  Date
MOH 1992. "Communication from the Ministry of Health".  24 March, 1992. 
Mounguengui 1990.  Dr. Mounguengui, Conseiller Technique du Ministre de la Sante. "Report to the
conference on Drug abuse, Youth and the Society".  Libreville, 21 July 1990. 
Other 1991, 1992.  Figures obtained from one or more seizure reports provided by Governments or from
other official sources from the years 1991 and 1992. 
** The Legal, Administrative and Other Action Taken to Implement the International Drug Control
Treaties section was prepared by the Secretariat of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.  The most recent
relevant part of the annual reports questionnaire was submitted for 1987. 

U.N. 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993. Replies to the UNDCP "Annual Report Questionnaires" for the years 1990,
1991, 1992, and 1993. 
CMO 1991. Reply to the questionnaire regarding the seven targets of the "Comprehensive
Multidisciplinary Outline of Future Activities in Drug Abuse Control" (CMO), 1991. 
INCSR 1993.  International Narcotics Control Strategy Report.  United States Department of State. 
Bureau of International Narcotics Matters.  April 1993. 
PDE 1993.  Preventive Drug Education (Functional Adult Literacy Programme).  Facilitator's Manual (A
Revised Edition).  April 1993.  Prepared by D.N.A. Nortey and K.A. Senah. 
Preventive Education 1992.  "Report on Workshop on Integration of Drug Education Into School Curriculum
for Second Cycle Education Teachers".  Legon, Ghana.  January 3rd-10th, 1992. 
** The Legal, Administrative and Other Action Taken to Implement the International Drug Control
Treaties section was prepared by the Secretariat of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs based on Annual
Reports Questionnaires for the years 1990-1993. 

The reliability of the information in this report is subject to high variability. However, the
information reviewed suggests that Kenya does have qualified researchers and practitioners in relevant
social and health services, who could assist UNDCP in improving the current assessment of the drug
situation, as well as contribute to the development of a comprehensive and balanced drug strategy in
Baya, C.K. 1993 "Kenya: Country Drug Profile" presented at the Demand Reduction Forum for the East and
Southern Africa sub region, November 1993, Nairobi, Kenya. 
Dullin Eberhard 1994 "Curriculum Development for the Drug Preventive Education in East and Southern
Africa" report submitted to UNDCP, Nairobi, Kenya 
Facy F. and Delile J.M. 1990.  "Toxicomanes pris en charge en Afrique: enquךte epidemiologique,
rיsultats provisoires".  Resultats provisoires Juin 1990. 
Haji A.R.J. 1983 "A Brief Summary of the Objectives, the methodology and Findings of the Study on the
Socio-Economic Aspects of Khat use and Abuse in Garissa Town, Kenya", Department of Sociology,
University of Nairobi. 
INCB 1992 "Report of Discussions with the Authorities of Kenya" E/INCB/1992/CRP.12 
Mwenesi Abdullah Halima 1995 Rapid Assessment of the Drug Abuse in Kenya: A National Report. Prepared
for UNDCP. 
Preventive Health Education Against Drug Abuse Programme, Undated, "What Every Parent Ought to Know
About Drugs" Leaflet. 
Wasunna and Wasunna 1973 in Acuda, S.W. and Yambo, M. 1983 "The Epidemiology of drug Abuse in Kenya: A National Baseline Survey". University of Nairobi, November 1993. 
** The Legal, Administrative and Other Action Taken to Implement the International Drug Control
Treaties section was prepared by the Secretariat of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.  No completed
annual reports questionnaires have been received from Kenya since 1986. 
Facy and Delile 1990.  "Toxicomanes Pris en charge en Afrique: Enquךte Epidemiologique, Rיsultats
provisoires".  Resultats Provisoires Juin 1990. 
ICPO/Interpol 1992.  Figures were cited by ICPO/Interpol for the year 1992. 
INCSR 1993.  International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, April 1993.  United States Department of
State, Bureau of International Narcotics Matters. 
Mali- Year unknown.  "Note d'information sur la drogue".  Ministטre de la Santי Publique et des Affairs
Sociales.  Year unknown. 
** The Legal, Administrative and Other Action Taken to Implement the International Drug Control
Treaties section was prepared by the Secretariat of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.  The most recent
relevant part of the annual reports questionnaire was submitted for 1986. 
U.N. 1983-1993. Replies to the UNDCP "Annual Report Questionnaires" for the years 1983, 1984, 1985,
1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, and 1993. 
EFDR 1993.  Expert Forum on Demand Reduction.  Nairobi, Kenya.  1-5 November, 1993. 
HONLEA 1991. Country Report of Mauritius to the Fourth Meeting of National Drug Law enforcement
Agencies (HONLEA), Africa, April 1991. 
HONLEA 1993. Country Report of Mauritius to the Sixth Meeting of National Drug Law enforcement Agencies
(HONLEA), Africa, May 1993. 
Info. paper-year unknown.  Information Paper on the Trust Fund for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of
Drug Addicts. 
Mission 1993.  Join UNDCP/WHO/ILO Mission to Mauritius 19-26 April 1993. 
Mission 1994.  "Mauritius Mission Report".  22nd-28th July, 1994. 
** The Legal, Administrative and Other Action Taken to Implement the International Drug Control
Treaties section was prepared by the Secretariat of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs based on Annual
Reports Questionnaire for the years 1990-1993. 
U.N. 1991, 1992, 1993. Replies to the UNDCP "Annual Reports Questionnaire" for the years 1991, 1992 and
CMO 1991. Reply to the questionnaire regarding the seven targets of the "Comprehensive
Multidisciplinary Outline of Future Activities in Drug Abuse Control", 1991. 
CPF 1993.  UNDCP Country Programme Framework, Morocco, 1993. 
INCSR 1993.  International Narcotics Control Strategy Report. United States Department of State. 
Bureau of International Narcotics Matters.  April 1993.  
Lamasouri 1993. Drogue, Adolescence et Milieu Scolaire. 
Morocco 1992. "Rapport exposant sommairement la situation actuelle du traffic illicite des stupיfiants
au Royaume du Maroc, Communication from the Permanent Mission of Morocco".  May 14th 1992.  
Morocco 1993. Declaration of Morocco to the 36th Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND),
** The Legal, Administrative and Other Action Taken to Implement the International Drug Control
Treaties section was prepared by the Secretariat of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs based on Annual
Reports Questionnaire 1988-91, 1993. 
U.N. 1991,1992. Replies to the UNDCP "Annual Reports Questionnaires" for the years 1991 and 1992. 
CMO 1990. Reply to the Questionnaire regarding the seven targets of the "Comprehensive
Multidisciplinary Outline of Future Activities in Drug Abuse Control" (CMO), 1990. 
EFDR 1993.  "Expert Forum on Demand Reduction".  November 1993. 
HONLEA 1993.  "Sixth Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies (HONLEA), Africa". 
Abidjan, 24-28 May 1993. 
Namibia 1993. "Country Drug Profile Namibia, Regional Expert Forum on Demand Reduction in East and
Southern Africa".  Nairobi, 1-5 November 1993. 
Report Forum 1993.  "Report of the Expert Forum on Demand Reduction in East and Southern Africa". 
Nairobi, Kenya, 1-5 November 1993. 
** The Legal, Administrative and Other Action Taken to Implement the International Drug Control
Treaties section was prepared by the Secretariat of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs based on Annual

Reports Questionnaires for the year 1991. 

U.N. 1992, 1993. Replies to the UNDCP "Annual Reports Questionnaire" for the year 1992 and 1993. 
INCSR 1993.  International Narcotics Control Strategy Report.  April 1993. 
United States Department of State.  Bureau of International Narcotics Matters. 
Nigeria 1991. 1991 Drug Abuse Data Collection, National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), Nigeria. 
Nigeria 1993. "Country report of Nigeria to the Sixth Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement
 Agencies (HONLEA)".  Africa, May 1993.  
Nigeria 1994. "Preliminary Analysis on the Country Drug Abuse Situation". UN International Drug Control
Programme, National Drug Law Enforcement Agency. 
Preventive Education 1992.  "Report on Preventive Education Services".  Nigeria, 23-30 September, 1992.
Womenfolk 1994.  "Alcohol and Drug Problem in Nigeria: the Involvement of Womenfolk".  Paper presented
at 1994 Annual General Meeting and Scientific Conference of Association of Psychiatrists in Nigeria. 
** The Legal, Administrative and Other Action Taken to Implement the International Drug Control
Treaties section was prepared by the Secretariat of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs based on Annual
Reports Questionnaire for the years 1988-89, 1992-93, Anthony Buckingham, Director, UNDCP Country
Office, Nigeria, Statement made at 37th session, Commission on Narcotic Drugs. 
U.N. 1990. Reply to the UNDCP "Annual Reports Questionnaire" for the year 1990. 
CMO 1989. Reply to the questionnaire concerning the seven targets of the "Comprehensive
Multidisciplinary Outline of Future Activities in Drug Abuse Control" (CMO) for the year 1989. 
INCB 1992. Report of Rwanda to the INCB training seminar for drug control administrators. Abidjan, Cote
d'Ivoire, December 1992. 
Interpol 1993.  "Situation de la Drogue au Rwanda".  Bureau Anti-Drogue, Interpol- Kigali. 
Other 1992.  Figures obtained from one or more seizure reports provided by Governments or from other
official sources. 
Rwanda 1993. National Report of Rwanda to the Sixth Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement
Agencies (HONLEA), Africa, May 1993.  
** The Legal, Administrative and Other Action Taken to Implement the International Drug Control
Treaties section was prepared by the Secretariat of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs based on Annual
Reports Questionnaire for the year 1990.   


U.N. 1987, 1989. Rapport Annual pour 1987 & 1989 du Senegal sur la mise en application des Traites
Internationaux Relatifs aux Stupefiants et aux substances psychotropes. 
Facy and Delile 1990. "Toxicomanies pris en charge en Afrique, enquךte יpidemiologique, rיsultats
HONLEA 1991. "Les statistiques annuelles relatives a la production, au trafic et a l'usage des drogues
au Senegal pour l'annee 1990", Quatrieme reunion des chefs des services charges au plan national de la
lutte contre le trafic illicite des drogues, Afrique (HONLEA), Nairobi, Kenya, 15-19 avril 1991. 
ICPO/Interpol 1991, 1992.  Figures reported by ICPO/Interpol. 
INCSR 1993.  International Narcotics Control Strategy Report.  April 1993.  United States Department of
State.  Bureau of International Narcotics Matters. 
Mission 1989.  "Rapport sur une Mission au Senegal".  Du 15 novembre au 2 decembre 1989.  Nations Unies
Organe International de Controle des Stupefiants.  Paris, 16 janvier, 1990. 
Note de Projet- year unknown.  "Note de prיsentation du Projet de Strategie Nationale de Lutte Contre
L'Abus et le Traffic Illicite des Stupיfiants et des Substances Psychotropes". 
Senegal 1991. "National Report of Senegal to the 4th Meeting of Heads of National Law Enforcement
Agencies (HONLEA)", Africa, April 1991. 
Senegal 1993. "Declaration of Senegal to the 36th Commission on Narcotic Drugs".  2 April, 1993. 
UNESCO 1988. "Consommation de drogue par les jeunes au Senegal", Rיsultats de l'enquךte יpidimiologique
effectuיe au Sיnיgal sur la consomation de drogue parmi les 15 א 24 ans, UNESCO March 1988. 
** The Legal, Administrative and Other Action Taken to Implement the International Drug Control
Treaties section was prepared by the Secretariat of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.  The most recent
relevant part of the annual reports questionnaire was submitted in 1987. 
South Africa
U.N. 1991,1992, 1993.  Replies to the UNDCP's annual reports questionnaires for the years 1991, 1992 and
ICPO/Interpol (1993), "Illicit Traffic in Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, Africa 1990 -1992", paper
prepared presented at the 12th African Regional Conference, Harare, 10-14 May 1993. 
INCB (1993), Report of INCB Mission to South Africa, Zambia and Kenya presented at the Fifty-fifth
session of INCB, Vienna 1 - 18 November 1993.. 
UNDCP (1994), South Africa Mission Report, mimeo. 
Rocha-Silva, L. (1991),  Alcohol and Other Drug Use by Residents of Major Districts in the
Self-Governing States in South Africa. Pretoria, Human Sciences Research Council. 
** The Legal, Administrative and Other Action Taken to Implement the International Drug Control
Treaties section was prepared by the Secretariat of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs based on annual
reports questionnaires for the years 1989-91 and 1993, and the Statement made at thirty-seventh session
by the distinguished delegate for South Africa, Commission on Narcotic Drugs. 
U.N. 1991, 1992. Replies to the UNDCP "Annual Reports Questionnaire" for the years 1991 and 1992. 
CMO 1991. Reply to UNDCP questionnaire concerning the seven targets of the "Comprehensive
Multidisciplinary Outline of Future Activities in Drug Abuse Control", 1991. 
INCSR 1993.  International Narcotics Control Strategy Report.  April, 1993.  United States Department
of State.  Bureau of International Narcotics Matters. 
Sudan 1993.  "Report of Sudan to the Sixth Meeting of the Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement
Agencies (HONLEA)".   Africa, Abidjan, 24 to 28 May 1993. 
** The Legal, Administrative and Other Action Taken to Implement the International Drug Control
Treaties section was prepared by the Secretariat of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs based on Annual
Reports Questionnaire 1991-92. 
U.N. 1990,1991,1992. Replies to the UNDCP "Annual Reports Questionnaires" for the years 1990, 1991 and
CMO 1991. Reply to UNDCP questionnaire concerning the seven targets of the "Comprehensive
Multidisciplinary Outline of Future Activities in Drug Abuse Control", 1991. 
EFDR 1993. Country Report Presented at the UNDCP Expert Forum on Demand Reduction.  Nairobi, Kenya, 1-5
November, 1993. 
INCSR 1993.  International Narcotics Control Strategy Report.  U.S. Department of State, Bureau of
International Narcotics Matters.  April 1993. 
Other 1990,1991. Obtained from one or more seizure reports provided by the government or other official
sources for the years 1990 and 1991. 
Uganda 1991. "Fourth Meeting of Head of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies" (HONLEA), Africa, 17
April 1991. 
** The Legal, Administrative and Other Action Taken to Implement the International Drug Control
Treaties section was prepared by the Secretariat of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs based on  Annual
Reports Questionnaire for the year 1990. 
United Republic of Tanzania
U.N. 1990, 1991. Replies to the UNDCP "Annual Reports Questionnaires" for the years 1990 and 1991. Part
U.N. 1992, Part III. Replies to the UNDCP "Annual Reports Questionnaires" for the years 1992, Part III.

EFDR 1993. Paper presented at the "Expert Forum on Demand Reduction in East and Southern Africa", 
Nairobi, Kenya,  1-5, November 1993. 
Forum 1993.  "Report of the Expert Forum on Demand Reduction in East and Southern Africa".  Nairobi,
Kenya, 1-5 November 1993. 
ICPO 1991.  Figures cited by ICPO/Interpol 1991. 
Mwakyanjala, P. 1989. "Working With Young People in the Community" in A Handbook on Preventive
Education Against Drug Abuse for Tanzania, edited by S.F. Kaaya, G.P. Kilonzo, E.K. Kilima and J.
Mbatia. Preventive Education Against Drug Abuse, Project AD/URT/89/533 of the Ministry of Health,
United Republic of Tanzania. 
Other official sources 1991.  Figures obtained from one or more seizure reports provided by Governments
or from other official sources. 
Pasape, J.E. 1989. "The Role of Immigration in Combating the Problem of Drug Abuse and Illicit
Trafficking" in  A Handbook on Preventive Education Against Drug Abuse for Tanzania, edited by S.F.
Kaaya, G.P. Kilonzo, E.K. Kilima and J. Mbatia. Preventive Education Against Drug Abuse, Project
AD/URT/89/533 of the Ministry of Health, United Republic of Tanzania. 
Tanzania 1993. "Report of Tanzania to the Sixth Meeting of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies
(HONLEA)", Africa, Abidjan 24 to 28 May 1993. 
** The Legal, Administrative and Other Action Taken to Implement the International Drug Control
Treaties section was prepared by the Secretariat of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs based on the
Annual Reports Questionnaire for the year 1991.   
U.N. 1987,1988,1990,1991. Replies to the UNDCP "Annual Reports Questionnaires" for the years 1987, 1988,
1990 and 1991. 
EFDR 1993.  Drug Enforcement Commission.  A Country Report Presented at the UNDCP Expert Forum on
Demand Reduction.  Nairobi, Kenya, 1-5 November, 1993. 
ICPO 1993.  ICPO Report 42/93. 
INCB 1993.  Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 1993. 
INCSR 1993.  International Narcotics Control Strategy Report.  US Department of State.  Bureau of
International Narcotics Matters.  April 1993. 
Other 1991, 1992.  Data obtained from one or more seizure reports provided by Governments or from other
 official sources for the years 1991 and 1992. 
Report Forum 1993.  Report of the Extent Forum on Demand Reduction in East and Southern Africa. 
Nairobi, Kenya, 1-5 November 1993. 
UNDCP 1993a. Mission to Zambia, 28-31 July 1993. 
UNDCP 1993b. UNDCP Supply Reduction data base. 
Zambia 1992. "A Country Situation Report by the Minister of Home Affairs in the Government of Zambia".
At the 35th U.N. Commission Session Against Illicit Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, Vienna.
Zambia 1993. Declaration of the Zambian Delegation at the 36th U.N. Commission Session Against Illicit
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, Vienna. 
** The Legal, Administrative and Other Action Taken to Implement the International Drug Control
Treaties section was prepared by the Secretariat of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs based on Annual
Reports Questionnaires for the years 1988-90. 
Facy and Delile 1990.  "Toxicomanes Pris en charge en Afrique: Enquךte Epidemiologique, Rיsultats
provisoires".  Resultats Provisoires Juin 1990. (See document is in Senegal box). 
ICPO/Interpol 1992. Figures were cited by ICPO/Interpol for the year 1992. 
** The Legal, Administrative and Other Action Taken to Implement the International Drug Control
Treaties section was prepared by the Secretariat of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs based on the

Annual Reports Questionnaire for the year 1990.