Here is a list of some of the media coverage the EBA has received over the years. The urge to make bread puns is obviously irresistible. Of course, we love to roll with it.

Artists share their studios, secrets with public
- Paul Gessell, Ottawa Citizen, October 19, 2000

Bread artists start seventh season with new heart
- Diane Campbell, Centretown News, October 29, 1999. Marthe Blouin nous am�ne chez les boulangers qui p�trisent une p�te artistique �tonnante avec les Enriched Bread Artists.
- Multim�di'Art avec Winston McQuade, La Cha�ne culturelle de Radio-Canada, le 29 octobre, 1999.

Creative bread machine
- Cindy Durrant, The Fulcrum, University of Ottawa, October 21, 1999.

Workers in progress. Enriched Bread allows public a peek over the fence.
- Molly Amoli K. Shinhat, The Ottawa X Press, October 21, 1999.

A feast of visual art. Former bread factory is now a factory of sorts for 24 artists who create here. Check out their eclectic works at the Enriched Bread Artists' annual open house.
- Zev Singer, The Ottawa Citizen, October 21, 1999

Bread breaking new ground: Enriched Bread A feast of visual art. Former bread factory is now a factory of sorts for 24 artists who create here. Check out their eclectic works at the Enriched Bread Artists' annual open house.
- Zev Singer, The Ottawa Citizen, October 21, 1999

A feast for the eyes: Enriched Bread Artists' Bakery Show
"The breadth of artistic approaches at the Enriched Bread Artists studios is impressive. Although they are exhibiting as a group, each artist's creations are unique - the link is that these are some of Ottawa's most interesting up-and-coming artists. Indeed, (artist Gayle) Kells is not overstating the case when she describes the EBA studios as 'a place where you feel the pulse of the art community in Ottawa.'"
- Chari Marple, The Ottawa X Press, Thursday, October 22, 1998

The Bakery Show
"Artists Marika Jemma and Carl Stewart will join forces for a bit of a play on Mary Harron's film I Shot Andy Warhol for the opening. Stewart will play Warhol, and Jemma will pose as Valerie Solanas, the woman who sot the infamous New York pop artist. Why? 'EBA is in an old bread factory, which ties in nicely with Andy Warhol's Factory,' says Stewart. 'Marika and I are the only homothexthuals - I had a white wig, Marika had a cap gun - Andy was gay, Valerie was a dyke - it just wanted to be.' "
- Ian McLeod, Capital XTRA!, October 16, 1998

Food And Leisure: On the Scene
The Enriched Bread Artists rose to the artistic occasion once again this year. Nice to see a group of artists who endeavour to provide the city with a behind the scenes look at their work and lives. We visited the multi-level co-op artisan studio on Gladstone and were treated to an eclectic mix of mediums and messages. We look forward to next year's show. Remember guys, no loafing around.
- Food and Leisure, Issue number 10, Ottawa, 1997-98.

Co-op Rising - The Enriched Bread Artists Studio
The EBA Studio Co-op began in 1991 when a small group of artists from the University of Ottawa went looking for studio space. The defunct Enriched Bread Company had been housed in a building on Gladstone Avenue just up the hill from the Great Canadian Theatre Company...
- Julia Huffman, The PEN (Peace Environment News), 1 December 1998

Enriched Bread's bun in the oven
"�Moving from studio to studio, sampling conversation and food, is one of the most casual and enjoyable ways to engage with art and artists�"
- Donna Wawzonek, The Ottawa X Press, Thursday, October 30, 1997

Fresh bread: Enriched Bread Artists aim to create dialogue
"Dialogue is the fourth annual group show of the 24 different artist who make up the Enriched Bread collective. This year's theme literally came out of a dialogue with the community. The artists asked people to submit different words and selected 33 of them�"
- Andrea Smith, The Ottawa X Press, Thursday, October 31, 1996

Public's words inspire artworks
"The group of 24 artists (asked) people to phone in their favorite or most meaningful words�The idea was to use these words to inspire the works of art�'There is a big gap in the dialogue between artists and the public,' explains EBA member Barbara Gamble, a painter. 'What we've done is a way to reach out to the public and at the same time help the public get a sense of what influences an artist.'"
- Nahlah Ayed, The Ottawa Citizen, Thursday, October 24, 1996

When meat becomes murder: Louis Joncas' shrine is at odds with animal lovers in the art community
"�'We always hear of this type of controversy in the arts communities�but elsewhere,' says Laura Margita, a founding member of the Enriched Bread Artists. 'It never happened at the EBA. But, now we've had our first major problem of this nature. It has revealed the strengths and weaknesses of our collective.'�"
- Kirk Finken, The Ottawa X Press, Wednesday, November 1, 1995

The smell of fresh bread is in the air
"Roll it. Pat it. Mark it with an E, and put it in the oven for baby and me. Yes, it is time again for the Enriched Bread Artists open house�"
- Kirk Finken, The Ottawa X Press, Wednesday, October 25, 1995

Artists band together in former bakery
"�The idea for banding together for studio space came about quite naturally among alumni members of the University of Ottawa. In 1991, Laura Margita, after graduating from the Fine Arts program, was looking for an affordable place to work. She discovered the bakery, with its granite stone marker, laid by the employees of the Standard Bread Co., Ltd., on August 20, 1924. The motto on the stone seems to suit what has happened since. Its Latin Audaces Fortuna Juvat means Be bold and luck will follow�"
- Nancy Baele, The Ottawa Citizen, Monday, November 1, 1993

Art gallery rises from bakery
"In what might be called the greatest thing since sliced bread�"
- Jay Stone, The Ottawa Citizen, Wednesday, October 27, 1993