Vivian Tors

Vivian Tors uses a variety of contemporary and historic photographic media to create works which consider the inherently contradictory nature of human existence, and the paradoxical tug between its fragility and resilience. Her work frequently focuses on the symbolic role of objects in everyday life, linking it to the traditional artistic practice of incorporating iconographic content into works of art. However, unlike artists of the past who deliberately inserted symbols into their work, Tors is involved in the task of exposing what she considers to be a pre-existing iconography inherent in the objects around her.

Vivian Tors studied Photography at the University of Ottawa, and the Ottawa School of Art, and holds an Honours degree in Art History from Carleton University. Since completing her studies in 2000, she has shown her work in Ottawa, North Bay, Montreal and Sackville, NB. Upcoming exhibitions include a solo show at the Ottawa Art Gallery in 2009. Her works have appeared in several publications, including two literary anthologies. She has received support for her art practice from both the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council. She also writes about art and artists for a variety of publications. For further information, she can contacted at