Stereolab – tricks for the eye from the NFB

October 19th, 2009

Ottawa’s Animation International Animation festival took place this past weekend, and although I was a little swamped with the coming Nite Ride I did manage to squeeze in the stereoscopic presentations from the National Film Board’s StereoLab. The StereoLab has been around the NFB since the late 90’s and one of it’s central elements is […]

Nuit Blanche 09 – Toronto

October 7th, 2009

On m’a demandé de faire un reportage sur Nuit Blanche à Toronto mais malheureusement j’ai fini par voir que 5-6 projets à cause des files d’attente et peut-être aussi par paresse. J’ai quand même durée jusqu’à 7 h du matin, mais même à cette heure là les files d’attentes étaient pas possibles. Anyway, c’était quand […]

ArtsStars* at Toronto Nuit Blanche

September 27th, 2009

So if you are not lucky enough to head to Toronto for the countries biggest art party this Saturday October 3rd, you may get the chance to check out the all night roving reporting from Artstars*TV. Artstars* is hosted by the bold and beautiful Nadja Sayej and is co-produced with Artengine favorite Jeremy Bailey. If […]

Du plus petit au plus grand

September 1st, 2009

Faire de la vidéo avec des gens qui bougent, qui dansent, dans un labo de biologie, sur des pierres et dans un livre. Ça semble simple, mais pourtant, l’exposition de Michal Rovner Particules de réalité présentée au DHC/ART (Montréal), démontre à quel point cette artiste parvient avec subtilité à traiter de la délicatesse du vivant […]

Le signal et le bruit.

June 22nd, 2009

C’est entre les montagnes et l’océan Pacifique, à Vancouver, que le festival d’art médiatique Signal & Noise avait lieu, du 23 au 26 avril dernier. Organisé par VIVO Media Art Centre, ce festival a la qualité d’aller dans différentes directions disciplinaires, et l’édition 2009 était indéniablement portée vers la vidéo. Bien qu’une soirée sonore et […]

Sublte Technologies : Where art and science meet, hang out and catch up on things.

June 20th, 2009

I was fortunate enough to visit Toronto for a festival that could be seen as the yin to the yang of Mutek and Elektra. Subtle Technologies focuses on the unique space where science and art meet. This year’s theme was networks, and the presentations ranged from theoretical mathematicians presenting on collaborative problem solving, to TV […]

Elektra Dispatch part 2 – A/V Performance

May 11th, 2009

To be truthful it is less of a dispatch this time as I am actually back at my desk in Ottawa now. I tried my best to find the time to write notes about the festival while there, but time slips away from you quickly during those things. I do want to share a bit […]

Elektra Part 1

May 7th, 2009

Dispatch one from Elektra should fittingly start with FEED from Kurt Hentschlager. This is the third and finally year of the presentation of this sold out crowd pleaser. It’s really an experience unlike any other. It starts with a piece of video music made of low pulses and writhing three dimensional polysexual beings which lasts […]

Let’s all go to Daïmõn!!!!!

March 20th, 2009

I made a little field trip to Daïmõn to check out Bertrand R. Pitt‘s Horizons incertains installation presented in their studio space, but also had the pleasure of spending some time with Tim Dallett as he told me about the performance project he is currently working on while in residence. The energy at La Filature […]

Field Trip – Mois Multi 10

February 28th, 2009

Thanks to SAW Video I took a little trip to Quebec City as part of an exchange between SAW Video and La Bande Video. It was a very brief stay, but I did get the chance to take in some of the tenth edition of Mois Multi. MM is a multi-disciplinary electronic art festival with […]