Free software, an ongoing definition



free software has to be understood as freedom for the programmer and the user not as in 'free of charge' although that is usually the case as well

Linux is the operating system most often associated with open source but it's philosophy can be seen spreading to other OS's

there are a number of different Linux distributions to choose from:

Mandrake, CodeRed, linuxppp, etc...

there are a number of desktop managers to choose from:

fwm...or no desktop at all for the hardcore artists

the 'brain' of all these distribitions is the Linux kernel named after Linus Thorvalds

kernel development


there is a number of free applications available through each distribution. For a full list of creative software, search 'freshmeat' or go to some of the important artistic ones are:

Gimp (Gnu Image Manipulation Program)
Broadcast2000 (audio+video editing) (not available for downaload anymore because of successful lawsuits against GPLed software's no warranty clause)
jazz (midi sequencing)
jmax (realtime audio (and now video ;-) programming environment)