farewell facebook

I closed my facebook account.  Friends, if you want to let me know of interesting events or get in touch just email me at : acastonguay_at_artengine_dot_ca

I got on facebook when the server that hosted our blogging software got hacked (by spammers, oh the irony) and we needed to keep in touch to organize a show.  Facebook, wasn't all bad. It's just the efficiency with which they embody the business model that seeks to sell our culture back to us that is overwhelming (that and the poor quality of the adds).  Even the annoying ads are changing : the rough smileys are replaced by slick ones pushing gm pickup trucks...so much for targeted advertising.  Apart from the false impression of privacy and ownership (read the terms), its being turned into a target for advertising that strays far from my ideals of what the web should be.  
Post announcing the 'event' :

Hi all, this is a lazy way for me to let you know I'll be closing my facebook account tomorrow. Do get in touch and send news of your events by my email...phone + rl meetings are good too (anything where what we say/watch will not be used to sell something back to us).

have a scawwy halloween.

fb_picture   My account picture was a spoof of the old generic 'facebook guy' logo >>   fb_icon
other images from the profile of a geeky art jock  :

albratros fc 


from http://www.facebook.com/advertise.php :

Market Research Solutions

Facebook Polls are an easy way to get quick answers to your questions. Facebook Polls allows you to ask detailed questions, target them to specific user segments and receive real-time responses. You can target Facebook users based on gender, age, school, location, or profile keyword.

Fortunately, there are still alternatives.